

“after refusing to violate hospital policy”

Please please please please please somebody get esteemed classicist Mary Beard to write weekly recaps of this travesty.

In addition to being poor, a lot of us just don’t want the things that the incredibly materialistic boomer generation thought were so fucking “essential.” No, I don’t want diamonds. No, I don’t want a 20,000 square foot house. No, I don’t need a new car every 3 years. No, I don’t want to spend all day at the mall

Every time I see one of those “Millennials are killing...” headlines it’s almost always because we’re poor.

As a very young Gen Xer, please keep up the good work.

Because I am a millennial and we are trying to kill movies. Along with literally everything else. Because we are evil. (Also cause we are poor and can’t afford anything.)

You’d be surprised. Hardcore Bolshevik style Communists and Anti-govt Anarchists get along really when in the “destruction of the State” phase. It’s when that occurs that the dumb Anarchists get rounded up and removed while acting like they didn’t expect this to happen.

Nothing says “I’m not smug” like calling somebody smug for shopping at a grocery store.

Trump won Wisconsin, which hadn’t gone red in a presidential race in more than 30 years, by some 28,000 votes

Awwww...Peepaw’s sharing....cute!

*cuts bag open, dips pinkie finger* This is the good stuff, man, pure Kinja.

+1 Birth Certificate

I love this so much. Not “he looked like a snake,” or “he seems like a snake,” just straight up “that’s a snake.” A time when a direct metaphor was NOT interchangeable with a simile.

Juror No. 52: When I walked in here today I looked at him, and in my head, that’s a snake — not knowing who he was. I just walked in and looked right at him and that’s a snake.

Yeah, I was thinking for me to have a better sex life step one would be to have a sex life to make better.

Woah woah, is there a beginners “How to have any sex life” course you can give us before getting out hopes up with a better sex life?

“Or the other way around? Doesn’t want you to get pregnant / wants to make sure that you’re not knocked up? Gonna go with that one.”

Well sure, if you fundamentally see the good in people and give them the benefit of the doubt, but respectable women don’t generally have sex with people like me. 

I’m exactly Cline’s age and played with 90% of the toys/games he vomited up in that tome, and I was overcome with self-loathing around the book’s 4th list of entertainment detritus. It was like 459 pointless Family Guy references, but without laughs. Or exactly like 459 pointless Family Guy references.