
I would say that the rule is ironclad that you do NOT pull that Ladies First bullshit when you are preventing everyone else from entering /exiting. You’re making the woman feel uncomfortable by calling attention to her, you’re blocking everyone— and literally NOBODY thinks that you’re being charming.

if you think it is rude not to reply to a facebook invite then we shouldnt be friends. If you want to invite me somewhere, call/email/text.

All of this was discovered by the Sandy Hook kids when they were dropped off on the same island on December 15, 2012, but because Republicans have resisted gun control efforts, George Soros hasn’t been able to bring them back from the island to reveal the truth to the world.

Mitch McConnell was definitely not Jack the Ripper, and I wish the media would just let that rumor die for once so the man could do his job.

Yeah, thats what you do when you take a walk in he woods.

I mean, that’s kind of how I go on a walk (hikes too...) but if some people need to give it a special name, I guess that makes it a thing?

Nailed it. Just go outside more/at all.

still hiking

This is hiking. It’s hiking if you wear earbuds and listen to music, its hiking if you walk slow or fast, its hiking if you decide to inspect flora and fauna while you do it, its hiking and hiking is amazing. If calling it ‘forest bathing’ or ‘nature bathing’ gets more people outdoors then ultimately its a very good

“Going outside.”

OK, we’ll split the difference and call it a “hipster walk”

This isn’t even hiking. This is going on a walk.

Forest bathing?

As someone who grew up in nature, and still spends a lot of time outdoors: it’s called hiking/camping/going outside. If we have to slap a trendy sounding name on it to get people to take a walk in the woods, so be it—but let’s not become to proud of ourselves.

Who the fuck brought this asshole out of the grays?

I mean, the film was directed and choreographed by the guy who did John Wick. The only real exposition in John Wick is that the bad guys killed his dog. This director doesn’t do nuance or depth of plot. He just does impressive, long sequenced, action scenes and they are always on point.

I agree with everything in this review. Delphine was and underdeveloped character that existed just to be fridged towards the end of the film, and the sad part is that it wasn’t necessary for Lorraine to have the extra motivation because her lover was already murdered in the opening scene of the film.

Elective mode changes the entire game experience (for the better) and gives the player precise control over builds. On some of my characters I have two basic “generator” skills (a long range and a short range) to keep my secondaries always powered up.