
Fitting they would put Yoda on the prequel box. Remember how integral he was to those films. I’ll always remember how him and Samuel L Jackson would slowly walk and calmly talk about Senate shit.

Fitting they would put Yoda on the prequel box. Remember how integral he was to those films. I’ll always remember

I agree... that’s bullshit! Where is the version with Ewan McGregor?

I agree... that’s bullshit! Where is the version with Ewan McGregor?

The worst sin ever put onto film isn’t replacing Sebastian Shaw with Hayden Christensen.

The worst sin ever put onto film isn’t replacing Sebastian Shaw with Hayden Christensen.

No..... NO!

No..... NO!

ABC News’ Kate Shaw explains, however, how the 9th Circuit decision complicates the case against the ban.

Maybe it’s because I have a degree in compsci and math, but I was really hoping this article would end with an actual number (“7 times per month”) based on the headline instead of a big wishy-washy “It depends”

I can get onboard with this. Especially if I get a Jeep Cherokee.

If I saw you on the road, I wouldn’t honk at you, figuring you were probably on meth.

Stop! You’ve already made the sale!

Boxer briefs and I’m in. *rubs hands together gleefully*

Im listening...

Post and let’s see!

I’m into it.

Dude! Sign me the FUCK UP!


The only possible way of damaging a fuel pump when racing is repeatedly racing with very little fuel in the tank. This prolonged use with little cooling can theoretically can stress the pump from heat. Of course the same habit in street use would cook it just the same. Fuel pumps are on or off. What the engine does

When everyone is trolling, who will troll the trolls?

*looks at shaken wrinkled old fist*

Is that... is that a paw from a monkey?