
Satan’s womb.

Still better than Cruz and his mummsy.

kfc is some chump ass shit where is the damn popeye’s


Dont trust unattended brownies, people. They’re bad news.

Cat’s reaction to turn of events:

Dog still looked like he was having time of his life.

>“No, she better not be,” the woman said, giving Phung no real choice but to plunge back down and try again.<

It was until I got to this part:

running a marathon actually does deserve a medal if you actually do it in an honest time (i.e. you didn’t stop or walk). 26.2 is a legit athletic achievement that most people can’t complete, and everyone who does complete it has trained hard for it.

I’m tickled pink by the throngs of people who will pay hundreds of dollars to run a marathon and have an injury or whatever that keeps them from running the day of. Then for weeks you have to listen to them be “bummed” about not being able to compete. I trying not to remind them that the roads are still there.

At the very least they should get the fuck out of your living room, man.

I’m an injured runner who took up crossfit and has more or less abandoned running. Sometimes I go vegetarian for a little while. I’m able to shut down parties just by being in the neighborhood.

Ugh, those are the WORST.

A “freelance writer, actor, and filmmaker” rants about the insufferability of CrossFit.

Hikers deserve to slide up about 3 spots, due entirely to Instragram #nofilter

I love that hashtag, and I usually hate hashtags.

I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s fun at first, but typically halfway through your partner’s chest cavity will open and reveal a portal to hell dimension. It’s impossible for the human mind to gaze upon the hell dimension without risking insanity, so you have to spend the rest of sexy times trying to avoid looking at your

“You’re a prison” is such a good comeback.

Seems a little weird/creepy to me.