
Oh geez, that picture!

Sorry about that. To provide balanced coverage I will write a “Person From New England Isn’t An Idiot Or Racist” article at some point in the future.


False equivalences are false.

They want SO BADLY to force women into burkas, but just barely dislike Islam more.



Daniel, too. Lost was meandering and ultimately pointless, but he helped contribute to its success.

Paul Ryan... he does realize that we can objectively look at the legislative record, right? And that it in no way supports his claim?

“Sun-dappled goddess” is the perfect way to describe Ms. Miller. <3

Don’t worry, Kidbow-God-of-FPS, I was already an inferior player. I bow in humility to your adaptability and likely gargantuan penis.

One of the things I like most about Uber as opposed to cabs is the expectation that there is no tipping. I hate tipping, and I think it is a horrible practice that should go the way of the dodo. Didn’t Gawker or Kitchennette run an article on why tipping should end in the food service industry? Found it. Seems like it

Thanks for the insight - Titanfall sounded interesting, but I’m too old for all these new-fangled dimensions!

Good call.

Your comment deserves more stars.

Kate demanded side-by-side photographic proof and once I provided it, she—along with Emma Carmichael—asked me to blog about it. I said “uh” and they said I had to.

+1, and a chuckle from me, Good Turdsley Sir

The jumping aspect of what COD has been doing repelled me completely. I had, and continue to have, zero interest in that type of FPS.

I think it might appeal to filthy casuals like myself. My favorite genre is generally FPS, but I stopped playing CODs after MW2. Everything after that seemed hideously repetitive.

Sshhhh don’t interrupt their false equivalency argument with your logic.