
Jet Jettisoned From Jet

Shouldn't Arizona's arrow point south?

Somewhere, Gisele is breathlessly exclaiming "My husband can't fucking high five himself!"

Apparently it's an Olympic sport. I went into a bar in '12 with some German friends, and this was on TV.

To over simplify a little, there are three main aspects to the problem:

And as a final insult, LeBatard must walk home naked, dragging behind him the Stone of Shame.

Things That Are Democratic, Ranked by Tony Kornheiser

…And if you watch the video upside-down, it looks exactly like the Deadspin comment section!

A lot of good choices here, but this is still my favorite.

That's odd - Hide the Midget was an annual tradition in my hometown, back in the day. Exactly one dwarf lived in the city. His name was Leeroy, and he ran a bakery. He could make some of the best bread you'd ever tasted, and he'd even give you some sweetrolls for free to take back to the kids. Swell guy. Anyway, on


Okay, so...

I can feel the self esteem of many men deflating as we speak.

Excellent fucking article. Great job.

Gawd, it's just like, you know, WHOOOHOOOO all the time and all the time and I'm like "OH MY GAWD MY BABIES" but they I tell them to leave, you know, and my Husband can't score any points, you know, and I'm like "SO WHAT A FRICKING NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP" hahahahahaha, you know, and like it's just like we're so