
It’s been brought to my attention…

I just want to apologize for any insensitive material in my previous post. It was a long time ago – sixty, seventy seconds ago – saying some stupid stuff with friends. I know I’ve grown a lot since then. I think people that know me know that’s not the kind of person I am. In fact, many of my close friends are fags,

Is it just me or does Doolittle come across as, you know, a bit of a fa**ot?

I met my wife on a transatlantic private jet. It was 1974, inflation was high, fuel prices for the jet nearly bankrupted me, but I Was determined to see Japan. I parked the Rolls on the runway right outside of Houston and looked back on my oil empire. Things for most people weren’t good; for me, they were great. It

I had an opportunity to go to Mark Buehrle’s perfect game back in 2009 (was offered a ticket in the 100 level, free of charge), but I chose to go to a golf outing instead. I had no idea what was actually going on (didn’t pay attention to the game at all while I was on the course) until one of the other guys in the

I bet these guys are also salty about people not dressing up for air travel anymore.

And trim those sideburns, Mattingly!

You could have kept that shit to yourself.

In all seriousness, thank fucking god someone can finally just enjoy a fun MLS game around here. 

Too many toes and a hard tackle.  Rex Ryan just soaked his beanbag chair

You can always tell the people who picked up their Looney Tunes fandom from boardwalk t-shirts circa 1995.

Has Markle been secretly British this whole time? What American calls a zucchini a courgette? Has she been auditioning to marry into British royalty her WHOLE LIFE perhaps???

If Tim Tebow had skipped media day to attend class, this guy’s erection would still be going strong:

“Also, pretty sure “Tim Tebow in his heyday” is a stand in for “a white player.””

There is a 0% chance you are wrong here. 

Wait a second, you must have learned that reference by going to class! Run for your life, you bastard!

Schrodinger’s student-athlete, as it were.

And I absolutely didn’t use it after typing “staunch,” realizing it didn’t look right but also thinking, “Yeah, but ‘stanch’ isn’t a real word,” then looking it up.

We found him, it’s the one guy who uses “stanch” correctly! Get him!

You know, usually I think people mean “imagine” when they use “envision,” but in this case he might well mean “remember what Tebow looks like.”

This whole quote is unbelievable “play the right way” bullshit: