
-Qui-Gon had a secret lovechild.
-That daughter grew up to have an affair with Obi-Wan, named Mara Jade.
-Mara grows up to have an affair with Temmin Wexley, but he never knew she got pregger.
-Mara leaves Rey on Jakku while hiding out from [insert random Empire/smuggling kingpin here], and left her with the junker who

But the absolute cruelest thing a pitcher can do is smoke three guys with one 99 mph fastball.

I’m really fond of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in DC. It’s the largest Catholic Church in North America and was started in 1920. Neo-Byzantine to make it stand out among the various basilicas and cathedrals, too. The special part, though, are the chapels inside. There are 70 of them, all honoring

I agree that last season was underwhelming HOWEVER your obnoxious hyperbole can go pound sand.  The “my tastes are the be all and end all” brand of genre fan is really played out.  Get a more original act.

That opening sequence is cinematic genius. Easily the number one episode. So beautifully portrayed, and also such a savage power move by Cersei - I swore my sword to her that day.

Ooooh, Hardhome over Winds of Winter! Your top 10 is basically perfect, except for me WoW is #1, Reins of Castamere is #2, and Hardhome is #5.

Although I hate to reference this, I’m reminded of an episode of The Cosby Show when Cliff is dreaming that all the men are pregnant because of something in the water (or something like that). They’re, as expected, miserable. I wish for events like that all the time.

I’m not sure the Caps ever really looked “invincible.” The Canes had the better of the play out of the gate, (and outshot the Caps throughout) and that 3-0 lead was built on the backs of two quick power play goals. And the Caps barely generated anything in the second period. Also, I’m not sure jumping out to a 3-0

I disagree with all this dude’s politics, and he should get dragged...but I gotta say. Dwayne Wade DOES look like a fish.

Did you notice the $6.99 price before you commented?

Really? I don’t see how this compares to Netflix at all, in fact it seems mostly like exactly what it is described, holding Disney owned properties hostage in yet another add on streaming services when the target audience, i.e. children have an extreme amount of power in the decision making process.

Who the fuck signed off on this? A gushing article about Ronaldo in 2019, on Deadspin? Seriously. Fuck this guy.

I like basketball

I did not know this about the Bosas. Drag him, bruh. Drag him.

I had to look up who Wickersham was (because I’m dumb) and Wikipedia gave me this:

Sir Ben Kingsley is not just an actor!

His initial leaks really pissed off the tyrant right for exposing their Orwellian spying, all of which ramped up by Republicans and their neoliberal collaborators under W. His stupid attempt to save himself by helping Trump in 2016 is what got him here. I hope whatever else he’s been sitting on, especially with

Parks and Recreation.

Now playing

The music throughout season 6 was the best of the series I thought, and the use of piano for the first time for that opening sequence was brilliant and created a very disquieting and eerie tone.