
He asks permission before busting out the donkey sauce.

There was the talk that he wouldn’t shoot in restaurants owned by gay people from an ex producer, and walked off the set once when he found out, but that one doesn’t pass the smell test for me, given the fact that his dead sister was a very out lesbian who he seems to have adored. He even officiated a mass-gay wedding

Guy Fieri is an interesting case. Held up as a cultural punching bag by Anthony Bourdain and Pete Wells, two individuals that I generally trust and refer to when it comes to food. The divides, though, can be dissonant. When Fieri did an episode of DDD in Vancouver he focused on small food trucks and vernacular noodle

“.... writers critical of me”


Even worse for C.J. was the following caller, Devin Kurant, dumping on him.

The Chinese gotta have *someone* to fill the gap left when Blatche inevitably signs on with the Lakers.

You’re a fucking idiot. 

The company I work for went through this process in Feb. Hedge fund buys 2 competing companies forming what basically amounts to a monopoly in the niche. Chooses the least expensive to support model (even though that model does not really provide a good customer experience). Lets go 90% of the non chosen models

Sounds like an argument for the workers owning the means of production.

Hey, what’s up guys, shit sucks huh?

Fundamentally, to get the kind of monetary power that people like Ferro and his cronies have, you have to be a bad person. You simply cannot acquire that degree of wealth and have a soul. 

This is basically the same thing that happened to Norman Osborne, only if the Green Goblin was a racist, sexual assaulting dickwad who threw shitty pizza at people.


Did you watch them? Or is this just what you’ve been reading? Ozil has hardly been the problem with Germany and anyone who says otherwise is clueless.

No he hasn’t.

Their talented writers, editors, and photographers deserve so much better than this. It’s 20 years or so since the internet went mainstream but American newspapers still have no idea how to cleanly and attractively present their content. Look at two British newspaper sites, one highbrow in the Guardian and one lowbrow

LOL. Actors are mostly dumb. All of them. These are narcissists who like to stroke their ego by performing on stage. He wasn’t going to reflect on shit. The fact that he just outed himself as someone who picks up random bitches where ever he goes instead of, you know, bringing a crew, is telling enough. Michael is

Most Brewers’ game attendees are from nearby Waukesha County. A hyper conservative, nearly all white, exurban dump also referred to as Walkersha County for it’s endless support of Scott Walker.

Fair enough!  See you in the volcano.