Picking celestial over MAGISTEEEEERIAL for Ray Hudson?
Picking celestial over MAGISTEEEEERIAL for Ray Hudson?
but at least there was another month of (mostly) British announcers populating our soccer broadcasts.
the French pretty much pillaged Africa
I like Big Willie style. He’s dorky and a little off - maybe a lizard person or something - but I still laugh at his antics.
I must be getting old because I no longer recognize new euphemism for cocaine.
Yeah his fucking bros just all decided to pay him back at once. That’s totally believable.
I have utterly no idea what that statement means, but in the interest of full candor, I have not yet started drinking this evening.
“That dude can walk alone.”
Initial reports have PacMan avoiding the confrontation, grabbing something to eat, and then seeking out his attacker.
Loose-loose is how I would describe bowl movements created from Papa John’s pizza.
Legend has it that Lil Papa John became inspired to start his company after seeing a pizza delivery truck dragging a black man behind it.
Why is it always two beers? I'd love a DUI story where the guy is like "Yeah I just knocked back a handle of Beam, I'm fuckin' LIT!"
And with the way he played today, became as beloved as Neymar.
“How do you do, fellow Star Wars fans?”
Roth shared this fun fact with me: Khia once remixed “My Neck, My Back” for the New Jersey Nets. “Keith Van Horn” is rhymed with “Kenyon Martin.”
So no non-Rastafarian should ever be allowed to style their hair this way? I would venture a guess that a shit ton of people with dreads, both people of color and no, aren’t Rastafarians. Granted, Efron shouldn’t have been allowed to have these “dreads” based on style alone, but still.
Racists have lost a ton of jobs & gained terrible infamy, yet the next one will still be too stupid and lustful for black pain to curb that shit.
Recently realized that my next destination is a site that does not have comments, I will be lost... adrift...
I was a shitty commenter on Deadspin long before I worked here and I expect to be a shitty commenter here well after