
FUCKING SPOILERS, DUDE! There’s probably someone out there who hasn’t seen it. Like on Neptune or something.

It sure says a lot that despite the fact that her cousin murdered his dad with a light saber, she’s still regarded as the biggest asshole in the entire family.

+1 roast beef sandwich

If you live somewhere like New York that is feasible. I live in a rural town that has 4 pokestops all at the park. I walked 6 miles in 4 hours around the track. Ollecrong balls at the stops and going around the loops of the park. ZERO Pokémon spawn at the park. No one lures non stop and everyone runs out of pokeballs.

I’m disabled. Not having a tracker means that I can’t really play the game in a manner that’s feasible and fun. The three step system was fine and when it stopped working, I stopped playing, until I found Poke vision. Since it was shut down, I haven’t touched it. I simply cannot walk aimlessly for miles to run down

Sigh. It was a fun run. I’ll follow you on Twitter to see where you’ll go to next. I wish you all the luck in the world. See you..

Everybody is entitled to wrong opinions.

Tre Mason: Man, fuck you guys. Not only am I not holding out, I was actually the first person to show up in St. Louis for training camp this year.

You’d think Green would wait to get to Rio to go viral.

Ah, so this is what they meant when they said Draymond was “undersized” for his position.

Oh neat, it looks like Neapolitan ice cream.

This is incredible, scoring a first half hat trick in an exhibition game his team and the other team are playing solely for money. Can we put him on the early shortlist for the 2017 Ballon d’Or?

Are you Julian Green?

Bayern then put a €54 million price on him. Manchester United are considering a bid.

Well, I guess I can stop trying to get the trifecta. I already have the other two and only wanted Vaporeon for this.

Bear family needs a bigger pool.

“It takes the fun out of it”

When developers say things like this, I kind of think they’re idiots. YOUR definition of “fun” is not a universal definition of “fun”.

I’ll tell them what. I’ll stop using the API scanners as soon as they fix the fucking 3-step bug. How about that?