
Aww Crap! Props! We're going to need another bridge, again. Sorry! I keep breaking them for some reason, maybe we should use something stronger than play doh for the next one eh?

You ask an excellent question, and having pointed it out, it's the only thing in the picture I can focus on now..... You Fiend!

I would love to see some articles, not on the tech itself, but how it's used and implemented in the real world (Not at a trade show or demonstration site) I didn't realize I wanted this type of article till I read one over on theregister (

This. This is how you do Lens Flare. J.J please take note ;-)

I am SO looking forward to Doctor Who tomorrow!

My family and I LOVE the Lego games, they are one of the few games we all genuinely enjoy playing, and playing together.

I get the feeling age of voter is a big factor here, and I'm not against that, what you've watched and witnessed should influence your vote, that's why this competition is a reflection of the viewership of IO9.

You Clearly missed the post from yesterday.

Why would I integrate Netflix into everyones Facebook news feed you ask? Well let me tell you why. It all started when I was a young boy back in Gimmelstupt, there I was standing around being a gnome and all, when I started to wonder what my father was watching inside the nice warm house, I tried to look through the

Just looked over the whole bracket, I can pick out a choice from all the first round matches until the very end, then you evil buggers made it difficult.

I saw this format over on Jalopnik, where I had a couple of issues which hopefully after we get away from 1.0 will be resolved.

It's been his biggest mystery throughout the series. Classic and new. No one has ever known it, not even the time lords themselves. It's been portrayed over the years as being a BIG deal, he's someone very, very, important (obviously, and very powerful too is implied) but the fact is we don't know, and that allows

You say Tomato, I say Tomarto, it's obvious which one of us can spell right? Untempered Schism? Really? Now why didn't that stick in my head the same way that 'voodoo child' did (The song the Master plays as his future human ball things start arriving)

I hear everyone saying they won't name the Doctor, and I hope with every fiber of my being that they are correct.

We've already had flash backs that are supposedly cannon, of the young doctor and the master going through school together, looking into the eye of harmony of whatever it was, the thing which 'stared back' at the master driving him insane etc. etc.

Having read through a bunch of the comments, I guess I'm just joining in the chorus. The Keyboard. That certainly seems to be the most mentioned item here.

Doesn't bother me, let them change it however they want. I think it's been close to a year since I last looked at the Facebook website, not that I don't use Facebook, I do, all the time, but it's all mobile all the time these days.

That was awesome, thanks for posting it!

The real kicker is if you ever read the first George adventure, where George is happy playing in the jungle until The Man In The Yellow Hat arrives on a poaching expedition, tranquilizes him, sticks him in a cage and then ships him off to live in a small apartment... You think I'm making that up? No Way, I have the

I respectively submit The Kandy Man for Iconic Dr Who monster status (Classic Series)