
What I'm interested to see is how quickly / easily a copy of AD is ripped and pirated from Netflix. Up till this point Netflix haven't had anything exclusive and desirable enough for a pirate to attempt it, they can just rip from DVD's etc. So up until this point the security of Netflix hasn't really been tested...

I love the big finish audio stories, so I'm very hopeful for this, I just hope that with so many people to fit in it won't lose track of being a good story as well.

Just to add my voice to the 'wrong cookie dough used' crowd.

Interesting collection of things I can't afford, but I have to ask, Theda Bara? Did she ever smile? Looking at the photos that accompany the costumes from her films you'd think she was terminally depressed, maybe it was the character she was playing, was Cleopatra depressed?

The thing that always puzzles me about the marketing for these tablets is they never mention the one thing that makes me want one, that fully implemented USB port.... with driver support!

As someone who only got round to watching Arthur Christmas this weekend, I thank you for giving me the opportunity to quote completely out of context and with no back story one of the best lines from any movie, ever....

Here's an interesting observation, at least it was interesting to me..

a simple backup and restore in iTunes..... Ha Ha Ha.... you're laughing right? You're making a joke at the normal users expense right??

So you've given out 3 of the answers and told people what 5 of the letters are on a crossword puzzle that has yet to be published? I hope that when the NYT hears about this post they don't reconsider publishing the puzzle, that would be a real depressing situation for Caleb.

Thanks you dear chap for stating that, when I watched it I was very underwhelmed by the plot, to the point of severe distraction from the Ponds life aspect. After reading the review I thought I'd missed something and was going to have to watch it again, but no if Dr Who tipster (and I guess by extention Dr Who Fan)

"It's also totally nuts that you still, after all these years, can't pin a folder to the taskbar in desktop mode."

'tend to be sicker and less drug complient'

See I should have just googled it myself before asking, for those that want to know

Can someone remind me how I use the notags thing to hide all the apple articles?

Completely unrelated to anything in the post, but really, where else are you going to post this stuff...

Authenticators are great and all, but before you go off trusting them as the eptiomy of security, I want you to remember one thing... They are being used by the same company who thinks that it's a great idea to have all passwords be NOT CASE SENSITIVE!

So the all important question....

I do believe you are looking at the realization that people didn't know this all wrong.... You should be welcoming the chance to show something new to somebody.

So pure speculation time

So 50/50 on the enjoyability level then?