
So it looks like I need to watch some ugly betty.

OK, now that I notice it has Sledge Hammer in it, I have to see this movie....

I'm going to guess they do it for films they think will do well, then they can use Europe or Australia or wherever to drum up word of mouth before the all important US opening weekend.

Shia LaBeouf not in Transformers 4? Whilst I still think the movie will stink, this news gives me hope that I could be wrong. Next you'll be telling me they have a script with a story!

Can't listen to Higher and Higher without thinking of Ghostbusters 2. Dancing (man eating) toasters for the win....

Well in all fairness, Hampshire is where Portsmouth is located, the largest Naval base in England (Even to this day) So the idea of having the poop (English ships) attacking France would have to have Portsmouth (and hence Hampshire) be the anal region.

This is great and all, but really, wake me up when you can finally use a Marvel Unlimited subscription on a tablet, any tablet. When they announce that, then I'll be interested...

I fully endorse this result. There were plenty of out right stinkers in this bracket, some were in my personal opinion almost up to Battlefield Earth in stink, but I say that the worst movie won.

Oh.. Oh... Battlefield Earth has to win! Please justify my dislike of this movie people, prove it I say!

Should have asked for more than a penny, emotional damages are worth something right?

Yay Battlefield Earth!! It was my choice from the start, and the anger that movie generates within me shall never be calmed!

Well I'm all in it for Battlefield Earth to 'win' as worst if you get my mind.

Go for it. I fully expect humorous videos to appear soon.

Ah well of course, if your worried by a little thing like death....

Ever heard of a Soda Stream?

Here's a nice myth for you to test, you'll at least have a laugh (not really) testing it.

Now playing

Here's the clip I was on about, looks like my memory added a few extra words, but I was essentially correct.

My favourite for this was the one where Mal is in a fight with a bad guys bodyguard or something, the team enters the room and go to help, but Zoe stops them saying the old Cliche 'No, This is a fight he needs to do on his own' Then you hear the desperate shout come from Mal 'No. No I don't. Shoot him'

IF that was the case, how do you explain all the votes for Catwoman?

I actually like the idea of using voices for this, especially if they get the right voice talent involved.