
I've not seen anything official, but would I be too far off safe ground guessing this will make it onto Verizon, with LTE and I'm going out on a limb, but compared to their recent batch of super phones be around $299 on contract?

Some will, some won't you just can't tell which will get what.

I'd like to see the data split out across the age range.

I would if the article used the word alloy, it just says 'made of magnesium' either way, my point still stands, watching a laptops worth of magnesium burn as bright as the sun would still be awesome (And no, I haven't googled the lumins of the sun versus the lumins of a magnesium flare, but I assure you, should you

Hang on a second.

Damn it, now I know Dr Who has finished it's season.....

Just don't use a debit card or you'll get charged a $5 fee which will be infinitely more costly than the $0 it took to buy the stocks in the first place

This is why you have two accounts...

Now playing

I do believe this video may, just may, be related to this topic.... Well it would if the video worked... Right then, I guess I do this the old fashioned way, here's the link

That was my initial reaction too, but then I thought about it some more.

I tried, but at the end of the day it's the warm and cosy nostalgic feeling inspired by the theme tunes that make me like the ones I like.

That was difficult, so many catchy tunes...

Smeg you Red Dwarf! You're coming back into my life again....

On the plus side - Firefly is being beaten by the good Doctor, which despite maybe also being due to the shows popularity, is also due to it having one of the most iconic theme tunes ever created. There is hope people! There is hope!

Here you go :

In regard the UFO movie, I did receive an e-mail yesterday with details for extras wanted to be in the film.

Thank You Mr Fahey for using the full title in your story, it's just so, refreshing to see it written out and not shortened to DOTA.

Alright then, I'm going to post this here for anyone else who is like me and didn't know what DOTA stands for.

Shows how much time I spend reading the credits then, I never realised she was called Blair Brown (I had to google image search to realise who she was)

Age shouldn't be an issue in looking for a new job, especially in technical fields where physical skill isn't as important (Damn youth of today, with their muscles and staminas)