
Of course it's stereotyping, making an assumption based on a particular trait of a person (Race, Religion, Gender etc.) is almost always stereotyping.

I loved Voyager, but only because of the Doctor, now that was a well crafted character.

Strangely my wife and I were having a similar discussion yesterday, when after a day spent out shopping, I commented on the gender types being displayed on the various toy aisles. A VERY pink isle full of play vacuum cleanrs, ironing boards and kitchens and a fairly blue aisle full of swords, guns, diggers and play

Back to the Future and Ghostbusters.

Well Arse!

I'm sorry but battlefied earth should, er, win that poll.

Well this was difficult.

That's basically the question I was going to ask.

I got mine. Worked well on my Nook too.

I'll be honest, due to other commitments plus the fact I tend to be predominantly a bedtime reader, I'm only about half way through the book.

I don't watch this show, but I sure do love the recaps!

Some ups, some downs...

Right then, time for the big guns. 2001? I'd like to introduce you to my friend, Empire Strikes Back. Now play nice children.

Scatter Brained end of the century... I'll have you know I'm damn well old enough to know if 2001 is boring or not.

The Back to the Future Vs Serenity vote is killing me!

I didn't realise I was making an argument.

Star Wars Vs Alien x2? To be honest if you'd swapped them around we'd be 1 for 1 by me.

Just wanted to thank everyone for keeping Back to the Future in the running! Yay team! (Sod you Lens Flare Trek!)

Sorry, but I have watched both movies, each more than once, although for 2001 that means I watched it twice, Fifth Element WAY more times.

I just wanted to ask, as I believe this may well be the first and only chance I'll have to ask this, and it be sort of, pushing at the limits relevant, but it's one of my favorite song lyric lines....