
Oh. Those crazy russians.


So I appear to be voting against the trend on too many of these, but that's OK, each to ones own, and in most cases it's two good films aginst each other so if mine loses I can still respect the winner.

He has a lot of buddies....

Until the 4G tax is lifted, I'm actually in favor of more phones being released with high hardware specs but no 4G.

I see your 0 and raise you an @

Is that the James Bond of birds? It looks like it's tag number is 0007 which whilst having an extra 0 than human James Bond, is still pretty good. Maybe all animal secret agents are 000's?

So here's my take on genetics being behind all this.

It has to be, there's no way a space station could be that big

I like the freezing / brittle aspect, but not sure about all the water removal / other stuff.

Can they be dimmed? The biggest annoyance with these new fluorescent bulbs is you can't dim them.

Thankyou kind sir, your translation actually made watching the clip even more amusing.

For those curious, or too lazy to look it up, Red Nose Day (And hence the day when the Dr Who minisodes will somehow magically appear on the interwebs) is Friday March 18th

Not sure about the first two parts of Dr Who being shown on consequetive days.

It'll be like Superman wearing glasses to become Clark Kent, no one would be able to see through a disguise so cunning, and yet so simple. Lex could start working at the newspaper as a reporter, scooping Clark on some of the bigger stories, hilarity would ensue!

Ah, it was the 'more stores like this' part that was getting me all confused. Although I still think it looked more like the list was being cut off and only starting at the story you were reading.

I'm hoping it does, but won't be too upset if it doesn't, as I say I do quite like her character.

That's quite possible, in which case I started the day failing the 'Can you count to 3' test....

A 3 year plan for River Song? So that means we won't get all the answers we were led to believe would be in this season? It's a good job I quite like her character I guess.