
Tea all the way.... Who doesn't love a cuppa?

My God! It's full of st... I mean Rays!

Whilst I think it will probably be terrible, I hope to all that is right in the world that I'm proven wrong.

Personally I think Ghostbusters should just be left as it is.

Interesting to learn that the different types of tea are all from the same plant, I always assumed they were from some subtly different varities.

Oh dear, I watched the first episode of 'The Event' and really didn't like all the flash backs, flash sideways, flash loops or whatever the hell other types of flash they used.

OK then, I voted against Walter all the other times, but really? Dr. Evil? I've never watched Fringe so the rest were easy, vote for the one I knew, but even I can't bring myself to vote for Dr. Evil in this one.

@britboyj: Oh I agree, I was tryig to say that Chuck was for Nerds of a certain age, I'm fairly certain there are nerds out there who are (sadly for them) too young to get some of the references made in the show.

I think I've worked out why I love Chuck so much.

Damn it - Another show ruining my hopes. I'll watch the next few episodes in a vague hope of it rescuing itself.

A few Q's and A's.

Doc Brown FTW! I mean he's invented some wonderful things (OK maybe 1, and his mind reading device just plain failed)

I'm hoping for some use of Lasers and / or Liquid Nitrogen.

@mjtukki: A golden rule for anyone interested in learning Engineering.

Chuck Me! Is it Chuck Monday already?

Also don't forget, when you get your gadget to play with, your children get the packing materials to play with.

A while back my wife and I watched all of the Moonlighting series having aquired all the box sets at a crazy cheap price from a second hand book store.

Oh come on! That's not playing fair.

@corsair130: Actually it works with all 64bit web browsers, but it makes special use of the features in IE9 so you'll get the best performance from it if you team it up with IE9, however you can use it as a native 64Bit player for your IE8 64Bit edition you've got in your Windows 7 box.

What happens if they reverse the polarity of the Tachyon field?