
@FrankN.Stein: Thank you for that, brought a genuine smile to my face.

I got as far as the opening paragraph, which tells me all I need to know.

@Evil Tortie's Mom: R.O.A.C.H.: It won't last, according to my alerts I've been starred a few times before, yet it always seems to disappear :-(

I... I think I'm gonna hurl...

I still remember when ARM were part of Acorn. I'm not sure if this is where they first deployed their RISC processecors (As they were known at the time) but the Acorn Archimedes was seriously ahead of it's time and will be sorely missed.

Ah yes, the speed of Chuck spoilers is indeed picking up, that can only mean the new season is almost upon us.

So long as I can access both from the same device, I'm not upset by this.

@Johnny Mac: Now that's taking slacking to an entirely new level of awesome, well done.

@RoboBagins: Quite, Quite jealous of that arrangement you've got there!

Now playing

I believe this David Mitchell video is appropriate for this topic of conversation.

I notice a number of commentators mentioning they are currently in cubicles and hence have no doors.

Maybe not for the novice user, but for anyone setup with multiple monitors the first thing I install is Actual Multiple Monitors (I think that's it's name, one of those install and forget about it applications)

@MaxellDVD1: I've had to call up Microsoft so many times to activate things it's unreal, however the process is improving. It used to be all verbal with a call center overseas somewhere, and with both system id's and activation keys in the region of 30+ characters, you'd end up spending a good hour on the phone.

Quite enjoying Warehouse13 so far this season, and really, they are modeled after the warehouse we see in every Indiana Jones movie, so how could they not do an Indiana Jones (Egypt) episode, it only seems right some how.

More impressive, it seemed that for the most part it was just the one guy building the whole thing.

More impressive, it seemed that for the most part it was just the one guy building the whole thing.

And the Devil is going to work on Ice Skates.

Here's to you Terry!

A paperless printer?