Only assholes try to talk at urinals, so yes, it is quite common
Only assholes try to talk at urinals, so yes, it is quite common
A Schiano Man thinks the government shutdown is justified.
Greg Schiano Really Is As Big An Asshole As You Imagine Him To Be
In fairness, that doesn't make him any different from 95% of Jersey transplants in Florida.
He'd probably be someone who . . . is short on neck . . .
Well, sometimes . . .
Sing us a song you're the Schiano man
Sing us a song tonight
Well we're all in the mood for a clusterfuck
And there's no end to this shitshow in sight
Even the crack detectives at Pittsburgh PD ought to be able to figure out Debbie did it.
lol@Jacksonville, FL not getting a game until late.
Owen Hart would have totally fallen for that
Proof that Andy Kaufman is alive and writing for WWE.
Too bad he didn't do "The Benoit."
Buying a recorder...learning how to play it...seems like just way too much work for a handjob.
The people that watch this should have to live on an island
You have to have a sub 90 IQ to watch wrestling and enjoy it. Strictly moron entertainment.
never let the truth get in the way of a good joke....
Only in the NCAA do you get the logic that the ejection can be overturned, but the penalty remains. Since the ejection comes from committing the penalty, you're essentially saying it's not a penalty but you're going to get punished anyway
THANK YOU! I felt the exact same way
Fuck this rule.
To be perfectly honest, even if you give your kid a reasonable name, chances are I will still hate your baby.
This news is bad enough that Magary should do a second Why Your Team Sucks for the Vikings.
It's really not scary tho. The opening to Tales From The Darkside is still scarier. C'MON Y'ALL