
"A diamondbacks legend"

So, it's everyone else's job to accommodate your stupid child's shortcomings?

Why do we need to stop these people? Gene pool needs a Valdeez sized clean up effort anyways.

A real "class act"

That's better than what most guys named Sal ooze.


Vick had it coming to him.

Eventually? Clearly, you have never spent time around a college football player.

If Ariel Castro stuck around a little longer, he could have easily worked this into his defense.

He is going to be fined $50k for launching himself

Metal detector probably didnt find it because little machine screws like that are usually chromed.

Also, why have 4 kids when you are so in debt?
Sounds like you are just a giant fuck up with nobody to blame but yourself

It's Japan. They all live to be 170 years old now a days.

The fact this happened in Texas really isn't surprising. In fact, I am more supposed the goat wasnt named Jesse Washington.

Well, for one, he was such a dick Eric LeGrand broke his next to get off his team.

A guy got tossed from my softball game this week for saying fuck when he booted a groundball. The entire opposing team even argued it was stupid. Telling a bunch of grown ups what they can and can't say, especially in the heat of a moment is ridiculous.

The entire NFC East lost today.
Just want to throw that out there.

These are the same assholes who probably own a Trung Canidate jersey.

Now playing

As much as i like chemistry of common life, Baiting the Public, circling the drain, no parasan, police, color removal and generation are some of the best punk songs of the last decade.