
I noticed this yesterday during the college games. Only slightly less annoying than Verne Lundquist.

The Chargers have had "potential" for like 9 years now. This is probably the first year in nearly a decade some assclowns pundit on ESPN hasn't picked then to go to the Super Bowl.

Remember in 2007 that one week they were ranked #2 in the country? That was weird.

Bears are omnivores you dunce.

I would rather be imprisoned in Guantanamo than live in a state that doesn't touch an ocean.

I wasn't there for Mike, but Marcus was the worst. Fucking asshole and his stupid expedition with giant rims.

"Dog sex"

This sucked.

Their fathers name is Hugh. He is very creative.

Also the title of Monica Lewinsky's biopic on lifetime

At Virginia Tech we didnt call the 100 level geology courses "rocks for jocks" without a reason.


Looks like a giant group of Lord Varys to me.

I think he was a general in WW2

If nothing else, Katrina really can be credited with helping out the New Orealns SCUBA industry.

Lastings Millledge (2009-2010)

Wait until you see the pistol...

You work for Congress or the White House?

They called him a Jets fan. What's the difference?

"Daft", how cute and British. How about you don't be such a fucking moron and see the link at the bottom, and realize deadspin wasn't even the first or largest outlet to post this video. TheBigLead, which is owned by USA Today was the first, and nearly every other sports blog had picked up on it since.