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Synthesis Dance with singing in case Mike never gets to it.

It's a random drop from normal rift bosses. My guess is 20-30% on Torment 1 and 100% on Torment 6.

You had me at Dan Abnett. God amongst Black Library writers. Let us keep him safe from the foul Gotto and The Great Defiler of Canon; Ward. So that he may continue to produce Eissenhorn along with The Blessed Mitchell's Cain Archives and whatever ultrasmurf nonsense McNiell likes to write.

This is no where near the same thing

Personally I'd put Tokyo Godfathers ahead of both, but I'm weird like that... I agree though, if you've got to pick one Satoshi Kon movie to represent the man's work, Paprika wins.

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So around the time SWTOR launched I would play hardcore daily. Eventually one night I went to bed and when I woke up my girlfriend told me a very interesting and scary story. But first some background, on Coruscant there is a quest chain involving Gree droids. They speak differently than most characters but you can

I thought michael meant a person got strapped onto a zonda, but nooooo, it's just a stupid gopro :(

I try to be mad at my cats when they knock shit down, but the little fuckers just give me their little stares of cute death, utter a little "love me" meow, and I'm putty in their little furry hands.

I never knew that I needed this until just now.

Why is it a fucking MOBA! Why are they all goddamn MOBA games now! Fucking... STOP! You can't possibly hope to out-do League or Dota (unless you're Blizzard, but that's not even out yet!). SO STOP TRYING.

I'm not a Muslim, so I may be wrong, but I would imagine you would bring up the issue to an imam, who would apply fiqh, or jurisprudence, to the sharia, and would then issue a fatwa which would inform practice of the ritual of Ramadan.

I made it. It wasn't difficult, but I have chicken on the stove and I was a little worried about it. Should I check the chicken? What if it's burning? The chicken turned out okay.

The detective has arrived.

That design looks a little farfetch'd.

Your loss. The Guardian and Junction system were truly unique to the series and gave you complete control to build a party and power up characters early on. Played right, you don't even need these cheats because within hours you can boost your stats to stupid levels and farm higher level items off some Gskills.

Simmer down, fanboy.

The mortar is in the butt. The trunk is a flamethrower. Lasers come out of its eyes.

I'm wondering if the 'it looks like a faggot burger. but dry' comment that was here for a few minutes was banned for the wrong reason.