
wait.. what happened to Fantasy Life for the 3DS? wasn't it planned for th 24th of October?

so... Destiny's next update is...cake?

i have never felt revenge, sweeter than decapitating an Uruk Captain that one hit shot me 20 minutes into the game. i beat the living shit out of it the second time we met, let him live, and then find him scarred, beat the living shit out of it, let him live and repeat that for 4 times. the last time he met me, he no

OMG they're all wearing Louboutin!!!

OMG they're all wearing Louboutin!!!

i see, my character can only survive Torment 2 right now, so no chance for me finding these thing easily. plus i'm on console, so no telling when this is going to be implemented on the console version ;__; thank you tho.

Benedict Cumberbatch = Edward Nygma? #baselessconjecture

HA, interesting, now to find the Key stone of trial. is there an exact difficulty that we have to play to be able to get the Keystone of trial? or they just drop from any rift? i have never encountered this item, nor many legendary ;_;


Feature Creeping?


Burglor!! Stealing Shit!!

whoa buddy, go try the game first :/

Trying out Civ 5, having a blast with it.

you're not the only one

Level 5 Delivers ;__; Thank you..... thank you...

is this affiliated with ClassRealm at all? seems hella familiar

LAZORS!! a little moving red dot is all i need...

had a really bad infestation once during the rainy season in Indonesia . i live in a boarding house. we got so sick of the critters flying around, we use Badminton rackets to slap the flying roaches away from us.

Aww was expecting McSatay on the list