Even Belichick thinks this guy is an asshole
Even Belichick thinks this guy is an asshole
You havent seen anything until you have seen dead foxes nailed to successive telephone poles in west Texas “to keep the coyotes away”
Bryce is the heart and soul of the team. Hes going to hit at least his 2018 numbers and I think thats just fine.
Not a single mention of Kirk Cousins death rock countdown vase? I leave disappointed Vikings fans.
Im proud to have been blocked by Ed Werder.
this was a pleasant reprieve from the "hold me back" slap fights
Morgan got married in the future.
im trying to find the west coast version of Wonder Bread to aptly describe him.
He should just appeal to Trump, that will get him out of it.
I mean, keep in mind we (Phillies) just took 15 innings to beat the Tigers in a game, so...
They are the replica town of Rock Ridge, designed to lure deranged rail barons and racist goons looking for a shootout, and boy do they ever attract the latter.
My favorite Neris stat from this year was he only blew 2 saves by all-star break.
this was mentioned on the broadcast and Paul conceded he would have destroyed them after that call
Should have gave it back to the other kid. 1 kid was good, the other selfish as all hell.
its Madden 93 come to real life!
Im sold, how can we get these into MLB ASAP?
2* apps, both that charge you
the guy who went all-in in the dark, drew a queen-trey, lost, and decided to remove his wedding tackle in a surrealist attempt at poor sportsmanship. He was ushered out, as have been two other players who grabbed other people’s chips
Orsillo is still great on the Padres games.
re: States beauty vs People: