Well I know who Im gonna see at Talking Stick the day before games
Well I know who Im gonna see at Talking Stick the day before games
“how many times have I bought you Taco Bell and you haven’t paid me back?”
Dieter is awesome, he was all prepared to play Brass Bonanza if the Hurricanes beat Boston. I’m not even a Dodgers fan but since I watch the games for fantasy purposes, he is always playing good stuff
re: weird things in the bathroom.
was it the Dbacks? I never understood why they wouldnt want the home teams watch them hit.... ohhhhhhhh
A.P.B. a Showbiz Pizza/Chuck E Cheese all time classic
omg, yes Battletoads. Im trying to think of everything I played at the bowling alley...
Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker?
“Off-Road” and “Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker” being excluded from this list invalidates it.
I don’t see “Off-Road” on this list. List is invalid. Also Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker
Umps did this to Hector Neris a few weeks ago. They delayed the game for a while to explain that Hector couldn’t cup the ball in his hands prior to starting his windup....or some bullshit like that.
As a Phillies fan I am not booing him, hes also screwing my fantasy baseball team, Im just really really really disappointed.
I just hope this opens the door for non-billionaires in the same situation to get their videos to not be released to the public.
as someone who was born in PA, lived in CT, and recently moved out to Phoenix: They don’t make salsa/Mexican food out there like they make it here. Its not even remotely comparable.
Laz Diaz also wants to join this group
on that vein, I really enjoy David Peralta’s walk up songs (i believe the first one is Bad Bunny)