
If you watch the video above, you'll get the image. I didn't see it either at first.

Happy Birthday and lots of hugs!

Something about surfing and wood. Couldn't understand all of it but my best interpretation is riding Jay's peen.

I watched the "making of Sound of Music live" and they showed her singing it. I bawled my eyes out!

Right! I needed this article 2 days ago.

My ex just moved closer. I've been trying to get over her for months and date other women. Well, it happened this weekend. And I am back to where I was months ago, emotionally. Yes...very bad idea.

Vroom Muffin here

I am totally with you. I don't get all the hate for the girl.

I called the rape crisis center and she said to me "Maybe you should not have been in there" I get that from someone who is supposed to help? No reason for me to go and hear that from the courts too.

I'm white. Many times, when I meet a black person they tell me they thought I was black.

@annewithaneee: Now I have "Paper Roses" running through my head

@otherginger Oh I remember Tony deFranco and that song. But my wall was covered with Donny and David. I even had a Donny pillowcase that I would practice kissing goodnight too.

That thorazine one scared the hell out of me.

@morninggloria: I am pro-choice simply because I don't want anyone to tell me what I can or cannot do with my body. But I really don't know when life begins. Every site I try to look up is biased towards one side or the other. Is it a personal decision or is there like scientific evidence that says life begins at

@clothandcake: Meant to post the below to you..Not myself LOL!