Jag är tuff, jag är hård, glider fram som en Ford...
Chuck Yeager is still alive, bless him!
They should hire Amy Adams to sing it.
Her name’s Magic Lady, but her friends call her Maggie
Get a Przewalski instead
Needs more gorgonzola
They could have hired him as a host, or Chloe Bennet maybe.
Give ‘em to your dog to eat.
But everytime I drive without a top I’m stopped by a cop!
On June 13th 1958, USAF mechanic Vernon L. Morgan stole a B-45 bomber from a base in England and crashed after just three minutes of flight.
If he could apologise for his most terrible decision, to make music, that would be great too.
Chicken race
And in 1803 the US bought Loisiana from the French...