
Famous door-man approves

Magnetic Ride means the car comes with a juggalo in the trunk.

Or Gripen from Sweden

Here, you can have this Hindustan Ambassador as a consolation prize

Maybe Biden can pull some strings...

Helsingborg, not Helsingfors; Helsingfors is the Swedish name of Helsinki

Some more bad/great movies:

Hamilton Nolan doing squats

It ends in season 11 when they go to Shamattawa, Canada where an angry shaman turns them into seals and they spend the rest of the season flopping around on the frozen tundra.

You keep everything worth having and sell the rest on ebay.

I was hoping for this guy:

Juvenile zombies

For what it’s worth, Ray Wise was a villain in one episode, so...

An interesting case is the Alice spectrometer which is found on four spacecraft: Rosetta, New Horizons, Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and Juno.

13 April 2029