But Fury is secretly Mystique!
But Fury is secretly Mystique!
Voting for style, huh? But isn’t Tilda Swinton was British?
Imagine getting it wrong so you have to push all the planes out of there and start over again; fun for the whole family!
Why not just call it “Big Area Manufacturing Facility”, or BAMF?
This thing needs to happen, IMO
Do that
Danke schön!
It’s a Venus almanac, fortelling the dates when Uma Thurman will grace us with her presence.
This song is on point:
Wine bottles do that, as one of my friends found out. He just wanted to chill ‘em down really quick, but left them in there a little too long ;-)
That’s not Jason Torch-insky’s car, is it? ;-)
Alex Debogorski! ;-)
You know who also chose Cornell? Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Carl Sagan and Gerard K. O’Neill.
Jupiter looks like a flayed demon from hell. Neptune’s mature blue color has always instilled in me strange fancies and wonders; I want to go there. Uranus is Neptune’s sickly cousin, bloated and pale.
Short for “we have”.
Are you suggesting Lucy didn’t die from falling out of a tree, she was hit by a car?
“I took my mother’s maiden name as my first name when I got married, and took my spouse’s last name,”