
Uh...yes? Of course we’re concerned with punishing wrongdoing. I think that’s the nature of justice. Crime and punishment. When a specific individual has wronged another specific individual, the victim of said wrongdoing wants the perpetrator to “pay” for what they did. That is normal and human nature. I don’t think

42” screen, and comes with a rubber mallet for 3D Touch 2 (tm)

You might wanna fix your cartel problem first.

You’re not excused.

Careful. Your inferiority complex is showing.

I’m leaning towards people who rely on air

There’s no reason not to buy one? Alright. Tell you what. I’ll buy one of the headsets. You buy me a phone that it’s compatible with. How’s that sound, Gizmodo?

Really? They want $100 for what amounts to a prettier version of Google Cardboard?

Beg to differ.

...yes. because, people. Stupid. People bad.

Wrong post. You can read about the Pope over on Gawker.

Some people get cranky when it’s hot.

I’ll wait for the “S” iteration a year later...the one with a turbocharger that has all the features that Tesla had 5 years ago.

R2-D2 ? Surely you mean the dwarf dude controlling it from the inside.

Good for you!

fuck yes i want.

A phablet with a slide-out physical keyboard? If the battery’s user-serviceable then that’s definitely enough to lure me away from the Galaxy Note when my contract runs out in January...

I heard cars actually help clean the pollution from the air!