
OMG, this is so far one of the best bio-tensegrity-based robots I’ve seen. Now we are talking. Most people don’t realize but research like this one is the one that will save robotics from the shameful state it’s in now. Keep it up, guys !

Thank you for being the first to make the connection with T-V.

“Chrome !”


3 am, you’re trashed, and you read gizmodo ??? GAL.



Gay. If one pays so much money in taxes, then one is owed an explanation by the government of where those taxes are going.

I don’t have any problem at all with battery life when my galaxy note 3’s screen is off. My number one drainer of battery are shitty games like fucking Clash of Clans. Incredibly mediocre graphics and ui, YET if destroys my battery life in 30 minutes.

Say it ! you know you want to say it : it was GAY. Yes, making Vader “good inside” was GAY AS FUCK ! Say it people, it’s not homophobic. It’s OK. Not admitting how gay that was is gay...


This sums up everything I’ve been feeling about the SW movies lately. I would just ask people to consider that maybe Vader is pitiful because the emperor wants him that way, or else he could become too powerful. So maybe, just maybe, viewers shouldn’t be mad a Lucas for making Vader a sorry ass faggot, but the Emperor.

You forget he’s black. And black people are better at things. Or else you are racist.

Hmm, main characters a black man and a woman? What’s next for the next saga, a transsexual and a meth addict?

A teaser for a trailer ? Isn’t that a teaser teaser ?

Second order teaser ? WTF PEOPLE !

Yeah ! Fuck that entropy right in the ass !

Now playing

“It’s nothing to worry ab... YEEEEAAAAARGGGGGGGHHHHH”

It was the barbarians from the middle east. And 3000 years later they are here again to bust our balls.

Turbulent motion occurs in very far from equilibrium settings. The most interesting cases are to be found in the middle ground between near and very far form equilibrium. That’s where self-organization and life happens.