

I don't know, but I kind of love it.

Well, I for one would be glad to never see the argument "But women can't be drafted, so their making less money is totes fair" in the comment section of any article again. Not that that's necessarily reason enough, but it would make me happy.

I didn't watch the Oscars, but I love how I pretty much instantly knew that she had done something that involved military personnel because my conservative friends and relatives were suddenly all over Facebook talking about how it's bullshit that she was involved and how dare she use the troops as "props"—more than


She already had it. And then she basically told everybody, "This having a baby thing isn't that hard."

Well, I've made my once yearly visit to Yahoo, and what I saw there definitely didn't make me think I need to increase that at all. Good grief.

I, too, work from home a couple days a week, and I too feel the same sense of increased loyalty. Also, on the days I work from home, I usually work a longer day. Rather than starting the day at 8 when I get in to the office, I start my day at 5. After I've made my coffee, I go to work still in my pjs while

I want to feed them boxed mac and cheese. I have a feeling it would be a revelation to them. :-)

Seriously. 20's are pretty much the worst. They don't seem like it at the time, but in retrospect, ugh. Your 30's are where it's at.

Your comment made me click the link and it was well worth it. I like her hair, the baby is adorable, and by Thor those are some crazy muscles! When used for carrying a baby, they become about 10x as sexy.

Two things:

I was thinking about something a bit more tropical, although you're right that that does increase the risk of poisonous thingys.

I went way out of my way to avoid soft cheese until I realized that it was only soft cheeses made with unpasteurized milk, which is rare in the United States. Then I was mad that I had spent so much time not having feta. Mmmm, feta.

Right? I'm currently scouting remote islands where I can raise Falconbaby in peace and quiet.

Yeah, I like the, "You know, if we had someone here with just a G.E.D. or something, I can see how they might feel slighted by the social atmosphere here." As if there was nothing between someone who dropped out of school and completed an equivalency later and someone who got a four year degree.

That's what my dad did. He didn't necessarily want to be a computer programmer, but he's been steadily employed for 30 years, my mom didn't have to work when we were kids, all us kids took music lessons and played sports, and he didn't hate the job. That seems like it's worth something.

I wish that my parents had pushed me toward a state school. I would have gotten an excellent education at a fraction of the cost of the private school I went to. I appreciate that they wanted me to go where I was happy, but... well, I wasn't even happy at that fancy college. I would have saved myself a FORTUNE in

My mom was saying the other day that she thinks there's too much pressure on parents today to be perfect, and she thinks a lot of it is because of the pressure to get your kid into a good college. At this point, whether or not your kid goes to college means so much for his or her future. There used to be a few paths

Thus Dan Savage's advice to fuck first.