
Yikes. Also, he apparently didn't bother to do his research. Most of the time, surrogates have to have aleady given birth in order to be a surrogate. First of all, it lets everybody know that you're capable of having a healthy baby. Secondly, though, you know what you're in for. Women who haven't had a baby maybe

Isn't the phrase "tig ol' bitties", not "tiggle bitties"?

I think the reason that reasonable people don't join the boards of HOAs is that it's a giant fucking pain in the ass. A friend of mine had the same thought, "I'll be the voice of reason on the board." What she didn't realize is that you have to deal with a bunch of people essentially behaving like children. "His

I agree that Stanger is repulsive but I always sort of thought her business model was a dumb person telling other dumb people what ought to have been blindingly obvious. If one of your criteria for a long term relationship is "rich", then you are probably going to have to be kinda conventionally hot, because those

Oh, god, no, I know. There was a thing recently near where I live where a little boy was removed from his foster home where he'd lived for over a year and returned to his biological parents where he died a few months later. I can't imagine what those foster parents are feeling right now. But a lot of people seem to

Other commenters have pointed out that what they mean is there aren't enough newborns, but I think people also imagine that all the kids up for adoption are so horrifyingly damaged that they will never live normal lives. I am friends with three families, though, that started out as foster families and all wound up

If people want to "adopt" and bear and raise other people's embryos and those other people are cool with it, then, yeah, great, I'm all for this. That's terrific. People who want children should have children. But imagining that all those frozen embryos are frozen children makes me think these people have not

But remember, it's the Democrats who are focused on social issues. All the Republicans want to talk about is jobs, jobs, jobs.

I used to think that I would nurse for one year and then wean, but I've got a kid who really likes the boob. I'm kind of getting the feeling that we might be going longer than a year since she seems to need the comfort of it so much. And that's fine. That's what's right for us. If this woman and her son need or

Exactly. (And thank you for that GIF. I could watch it all day long.)

It's horrifying, but didn't we all kind of assume something like this, given all the other crapola in the case?

Oh, yeah, that bit was bullshit. Unless there was some sudden, catastrophic malfunction of the harness, that kid was just riding free.

I have yet to dump my kid out of her stroller like that, but those pictures of Peaches Geldof are exactly why there is not enough money in the world to make me want to be famous. I'd really rather not have every one of my parenting fails recorded and plastered all over the internet for people to make snarky comments

Maybe it's just because Falconbaby is still new, but I find that that's the thing people are always asking about. How's the baby? Is she sleeping through the night? How big is she now? Does she have teeth now? And on and on. I mean, I love her to death, but there is other stuff I want to talk about. For

I am so glad to hear that everyone else is as distraught as I am over the Poehler-Arnett split. I was feeling like maybe there was something wrong with me because of how upset I am over this.

Wow, I had completely forgotten that Glenn Beck existed. Thank you for reminding me, because I had not been appreciating my Beck-less existence. Now he can just go back down the radio hole and I can forget he existed again. Ah, life is good.

That's great, but it's different than sex toy parties. Sex toy parties are about shopping. People discuss which products work and which don't and what specifically they're intended to do. The comparison would be more analagous if, when you went to the strip club, you were actively seeking to take a stripper home

Seriously, the bar is pretty low. If you can't get over it, you've got problems.

Eating organic only nets you a 30% reduction in pesticides? Well that hardly seems worth it.

Thank you for saying that. It was all I could think, but I couldn't quite bring myself to say it. I'm not sure why. She sounds just horrifying; I don't know why I was reluctant to say something slightly mean about her. Anyway, I'm totally with you.