
The Story of O is not just "a dirty, dirty book about a Parisian photographer who lets herself be blindfolded, tied-up and whipped." It is SOOOOO much worse and more disturbing than that. Gang rapes, dialators, really distressing descriptions of incredibly minute rules... Don't read it. It's really troubling.

I will write that down for use ~13 years from now. And, yes, Falconbaby, though often funny and posessed of a delightful giggle, is frequently intense.

"Farrah is now a New York Times bestselling author"

Yes, but yours is funnier and therefore awesomer. That is an awesome gif.

Aww, thanks. Glad I could help.

Falcobaby spent the last two months shoving her feet up against my lower ribs. They've never gone back and my OB pretty much said, "Yeah, they're not gonna." I wouldn't say it's noticeable to anyone else, though. At least, no one's said, "OMG, what happened to your ribs?"

You know what? I'm honestly not bothered by Tracy Anderson's comment. I was back to my prepregnancy weight about eight weeks after I had the Falconbaby, as in the scale said the same three numbers in the same order that it said before I got pregnant, but my body is nothing like what it was like before I got pregnant

Ugh, then you'd have to see him naked and... *shudder*

Unless they can prove it, it's slander's sister, libel.


Totally agree. I feel like very time I finally figure out how to use the commenting system and get the internal logic, they completely change it up and I have to start all over again. I actually liked the last one pretty well — it maybe looked a little busy, but it seemed pretty logical. *sigh* All right. Fine.

This is a thing that needs to exist right NOW.

Also, humor is generally at the expense of the powerful. And conservatives are generally all about licking the boots of the powerful.

That sounds terrific! Do it!

Also, what is he saying? Having boys is better and should be desired? Yeah, that line of thinking has been great!!! Dude, you may want to take a look at sex based abortions and female infanticide. Just saying.

Even if she did want to turn heads, "a college bar" is probably not the place she wants to do it. Christ, I'm 30 and I don't want to turn heads in a college bar. Those places are AWFUL!

Guys like this almost always fetishize the days of swords and sheilds because they're always certain that they'd be the warlord or the general or the duke or whatever. It never seems to occur to them that, no, odds are you'd either be a serf who would die by the age of 25 or you would be one of the guys they stick on

And only the most credulous rube on earth actually believes that having more money makes a person superior.

That "misspoke" thing is kind of making me nuts. No, sir, I misspoke when I said that you were a jerk. What I should have said was that you were an asshole. You just flat out made shit up. Not the same thing.

I've known plenty of coastal, fairly educated people who were anti abortion. Just because you're educated doesn't mean you're not a dick who thinks women aren't smart enough to make their own decisions.