
Well, it kinda depends. Conservatives in England spent a dozen or so years out of power while Brittons make it very clear that they weren't having any of it. Finally they got the message and rebranded with a platform that voters liked better. I'm not going to say they got it totally right (double dip recession,

Traditionally, Catholics have defined life as beginning at "quickening" (the point where the mother feels the baby move, usually between 16 and 20 weeks). But they threw that over to get all conceptiony on us.


I think the point is that the law would allow individual states to ban abortion. So, Georgia bans abortion right off the bat. But apparently Massachusetts wouldn't have to? In that situation, if a woman was raped and tried to flee from Georgia to Massachusetts to get an abortion, the rapist (or anyone else,

Probably. (Please don't ask her to show us)

I notice that men are more likely to talk about all the wonderful things that they do at their job, particularly to their bosses. I've seen a number of my male colleagues go into one or another boss's office to explain how they just did this totally awesome thing! My female colleagues (and me) seem to view that

Excellent idea. I'm on it.

Only fair.

Yeah, I tend to change my Facebook profile pic every couple of weeks depending on my mood. But that's just me. I think there's a lot of room to use Facebook in different ways, including to share baby pics.

Because Facebook is a lot more convenient. Because I can upload five pictures at once onto Facebook pretty easily, but I would have to send two emails or shrink the pictures to send them by email. Because a lot of us don't check our email very often, but do check Facebook.

I am so glad there was no Facebook when I was a kid. Also, there will be no pictures of Falconbaby potty training, just on principle.

Do you really have friends who get insulted if you don't make a big deal out of their baby pictures? I just counted. There are 66 pictures of Falconbaby and she's 4 months old. But, really, while the people commenting, "She's so cute!" are nice, the pictures are mostly for my mother and my mother in law, both of

Yeah, I feel the same way. I try to be considerate and not post a ton of repetitive pictures of the Falconbaby. But I liked the massive album a friend of mine posted of her recent trip to France. And the pictures of my friend's Jack Russell. When someone posts a ton of pictures that aren't that interesting, it's

I try to post all of Falconbaby's pictures in one album, and I usually don't post anything more than once or twice a week. That way it pretty much just shows up in people's feeds as one post, even if I've uploaded four pictures. And, look, the pictures aren't really for you. They're for Falconbaby's grandmas, both

Exactly. My job is highly collaborative. Frequently, I find myself unable to move forward until someone from another department or site gets me some information or spreadsheet (oh, my god, that makes my job sound so boring — and it is!). During that time, I usually offer to give anyone else who needs it a hand with

Meh, I don't know. Full disclosure, my profile pic right now is a chubby cheeked 4 month old. However, a quick scroll through my friends list doesn't just turn up baby pics, but also dogs, cats, wine glasses, flowers, cars, houses, and a dollar sign (that guy's a dick, just FYI). I don't think a lot of people mean

I frequently drink a Guinness while breastfeeding. It increases milk production, plus if you drink while you're breastfeeding, by the time the alochol gets to the milk, the baby's done and probably won't want to eat again before the two hours it takes for the alcohol to clear your milk. It looks pretty terrible, but

Boobs. Boobs are the problem. AHHH, BOOBS! Scary, scary boobs!

Kinda but maybe not. Breastfeeding with a cover is a skill, and not an easy one. It can be hard to get the kid to latch without seeing what's going on in there and some kids find it really uncomfortable (it can get hot under there). Not to mention the fact that the cover will frequently slip, exposing you anyway.

I'm so glad I'm not the only one that finds Hilaria Thomas (Bladwin?)'s name distracting.