Maybe she's still in-character as Bella? I mean, unnecessarily and publically punishing yourself over cheating like this seems like something a teenage girl would find reasonable.
Maybe she's still in-character as Bella? I mean, unnecessarily and publically punishing yourself over cheating like this seems like something a teenage girl would find reasonable.
It's really funny how the same people who are up in arms about anyone choosing to have an abortion go all crickets in situations like these.
The Christian high school I went to had pretty much the same policy. It was amazing how many girls quickly became not pregnant. I'm not sure that was the effect the administrators were going for, but they didn't make too much of a stink about it.
Yeah, it sounds that way. I mean, Stewart strikes me as someone who might be rough to work for sometimes (doesn't mean I don't still kind of want to hit that, like any good little liberal), but Kilborn just kind of seems like a hack.
Sometimes, just to make myself happy, I watch archived "Even Stephven" videos.
I always find zoos to be really morally conflicting places to be. On the one hand, they offer a place to study the biology of wild animals and they do a lot to educate and create interest in the public. On the other hand, though, I always find it super depressing to see wild animals essentially caged. Even the good…
A Nice-off, if you will.
The Steve Carell thing isn't really news. In an interview years ago with Terry Gross on Fresh Air, he talked about how he was sometimes given assignments to interview people who were clearly mentally ill and how it didn't feel fair. He talked about calling Stephen Colbert (who he referred to as "one of the nicest…
Yeah, that's one thing that explaining probably didn't make any better. But thanks for making me laugh out loud at work!
I would like to give a hearty thank you to whatever underappreciated USA team official told him to take that damn thing out of his mouth right this second. Seriously, that is the stupidest piece of jewelry I have ever seen. Do not be sullying what is left of America's good name with that.
Yup, I had 3. They were uncomfortable, but the 6 week appointment is when they took them out. That's why it's 6 weeks paid—it's "short term disability", not really "maternity leave." There's no consideration for the relationship with the new little person. It's all about whether or not your doctor considers you…
It must be delightful living in a civilized part of the world. I got 6 weeks paid and was glad to have it.
Yeah, it takes practice and it's no fun. My daughter also likes to tug on my shirt while she's nursing, so sometimes she just pulls the blanket right off if I'm not paying attention. Or she pulls it down tight over her head and then gets pissed off. Sometimes if I'm wearing a loose shirt, I can sort of tuck the…
I said that I was EBF and got a ton of coupons and samples from the formula companies, but I was happy to receive them—a couple of women in my Due Date Club were unable to breast feed, so all of us who do breastfeed and don't want the formula coupons or samples just mailed them to those women.
"Being a new parent feels like you just jumped off a cliff and there's no ground in sight, and while we're falling, we need to make all these important decisions."
I support initiatives to (non-coercively) encourage women to breastfeed. To that end, a longer paid maternity leave would help a lot. I went back to work after 10 weeks (4 of which were unpaid and I just couldn't go any longer without a paycheck). I'm exclusively breastfeeding, but pumping at work is a big pain. …
It amazes me how people just unthinkingly invade other people's space. Black people's hair, pregnant ladies' bellies—hands off until you get permission, folks.
In all the pictures of my dad before he was a young man, he's got these massive ears that stuck way out. Sometime between about 15 and 20, the ears stopped sticking out. The same thing happened to my brother. It does make me a little sad, though, that my dad clearly thinks his ears still stick out because he makes…
Wow, that sounds kinda illegal.