
Can someone with some legal degree/knowledge/expertise weigh in on this? The law says that they have to say this stuff. Can they then follow it up with, "Personally, I think that's all bullshit, but that's the script they require me to read"? Would seem like a giant, gaping loophole in the law if they can, but

1.) Thank you, and congratulations to you as well!

In theory, that's a solution, but in reality it gets old reporting the failure to pay, filling out a ton of paperwork, dealing with harrassment from the guy (and sometimes his family) if he's pissed about having to pay, and then just getting a couple more months payments before he stops paying again.

Seriously. I gave birth 3 months ago. Admittedly, the first 6 weeks or so of our daughter's life was probably the most stressful time in my marriage—I have never wanted to stab someone in the neck so much as when my husband rolled over one morning when I was nursing the baby (you know, like I had been doing every

Considering who they're looking at, it seems like they wat someone younger. Which is bullshit because Johanna kind of has to be significantly older than Katniss.

All the best celebrity stuff happens on Graham Norton. I love how Americans always come on slightly flummoxed by stuff like the red chair and then just wind up totally getting into it.

Kristen Bell would kill that part, but I think a lot of people have forgotten about Veronica Mars, what with the shitty rom-coms she's done since then.

Yeah, I had a few weeks where my "w" key wasn't depressing. It made for some interesting errors. I have since corrected the problem.

When I gave birth, I had to be on a drug called magnesium sulfate. It's really horrible and requires the patient be on complete bed rest—you have to have a catheter because you're not allowed to even get up to go to the bathroom. As soon as they put me on that, my labor slowed way down and the contractions became

I know you're kidding about saving the water, but I will not be surprised if that's next. And the mom will be expected to drink it, too. You would not believe how many otherwise sane-seeming people told me I just HAD to eat the placenta after I gave birth. *shudder*


Who is the audience for this book? It's not people who wanted to vote for John Edwards—they're still mad at him and this book won't help. I don't think anyone's a fan of Rielle Hunter, are they? Republicans? Is John Edwards really on their radar? I mean, enough to buy a book about his affair? I'm just trying to

Probably intentionally the latter, unintentionally the former.

Can you imagine 15 years from now commenting on some middle aged woman's ring and having her say, "Oh, thank you. It was modeled off Miley Cyrus's"?

My maternity leave is over in just a little over a week and I'll be going back to work, but my husband and I will be spending the equivalent of 40% of my income on childcare. And we're just sending her to a little in-home daycare that was a lot more affordable than a lot of the others. If we want to have another kid

Near Dark is a really good movie, too. I watched it again a couple of years ago and thought, "Oh, yeah, I forgot, vampires are supposed to be scary, not sexy. This is so much better."

OMG, I want this to happen now! That would be the most delightful thing ever. Someone start tweeting at Colbert and Pohler asap! (I'd do it myself, but I'm still not totally sure how this tweeting thing works)

How has the church not decided that just from a self-preservation standpoint, this shit cannot go on? This seems so incredibly obvious, I am beginning to doubt the cognitive abilities of the people running this group.

Exactly. Women who want to terminate should be able to; women who want to keep should be able to. It is pretty much that simple.

One of my favorite childhood pictures is of a three year old me with a massive shiner on my right eye. See, my dad was flying me around the living room like an airplane and he kind of misjudged the couch landing and I got the hard wooden arm in the eye. My dad was (and still is!) a terrific dad, partially because he