I want a female superhero (heroine?) ho just goes around fucking up dudes who commit gender based assholery.
I want a female superhero (heroine?) ho just goes around fucking up dudes who commit gender based assholery.
Yeah, no dinner on a first date unless it's going really well. Lunch, maybe. Coffee or drinks is ideal.
Hopefully all the Eric/Sookie 'shippers have gotten it out of their system and we can find someone more appropriate for ASkars to be nekkid with.
I'm going to make chocolate covered cherries and eat enough to make myself sick. I can't wait!
There's literally just too much for it to all be gathered in one place. And every woman is so different that you never know what's going to happen to you and what won't. It's an insane time in a person's life.
I think you forget because you're only getting about 40 minutes of sleep at a time and there's this tiny person who keeps squawking, plus your boobs keep leaking, so the fact that you're bleeding is pretty low on your list of things to worry about. You just smack a pad on that mess and move on. I just finished…
Re: not getting your period for 9 months when you're pregnant:
A friend of mine showed me a fanfic story she wrote ages ago that had Draco Malfoy getting it on BDSM style with Hermoine. So, yeah, it's out there.
Seriously. Why has the judge not put a stop to that?
I'm not a religious person but thank god John Edwards never became the nominee for the Democratic party. What a collossal nightmare that would have been.
Well, yes, but at a certain point it just seems like, "Hey, dude, you're the common denominator here. Maybe you should work on your issues before you try this again."
Aww, that's so sweet. My black lab/border collie mix has started bringing my 6 week old dog toys when she cries. Dogs are adorable.
I felt the same way. Dude, you invited her. Yes, she's vile and bizarre. But you had to know that before you invited her. Acting like you just can't even with her is kind of an asshole move.
I don't want to put George Tierney anywhere near my lady parts. Maybe a new term for a yeast infection?
Wow, somehow I forgot about all the blazer wearing in Heathers.
God, you have no idea how jealous I am of my Norwegian cousins. My baby was a month old yesterday. I get six weeks paid leave (for which I am embarrassingly grateful). I'm hoping to take an additional four weeks, but we'll have to see how the money works out. Meanwhile, the baby isn't sleeping more than an hour or…
Totally. These people are actually closing off this little girl's opportunities. I got a lot of praise as a kid for being smart, for being able to succeed at a lot of things (particularly languages) without trying. As a result, I never wanted to try things that were harder for me. After all, if I failed, then I…
I've not read the books, but it seems like a billionaire with a BDSM dungeon should not be 27 years old. Stellan Skarsgaard seems much more age appropriate for this kind of character.
I used to get cankers all the time (the kind that make it painful to talk or eat), but haven't had any since switching to a toothpaste without sodium laurel sulfate. There aren't many, but I find that Burt's Bees is the most economical and widely available.
I am not now nor have I ever been Catholic, so my exposure to nuns and priests is limited. But if you drive throught my city, Rochester, NH, around 7 a.m., seven days a week, rain or shine, you will likely see one or more of the Running Nuns. The Running Nuns are the sisters who run the St. Charles Children's Home,…