
For me, exercise just tightens things up. When I decide to get serious about working out, I remain whatever size I was before, but am just a firmer version of that size (not necessarily a bad thing). It's not until I make dietary changes that I become smaller. I wish I was the kind of person who shed pounds/inches

How's that working out? Are you Kelly Ripa thin yet?

Did you ever ask your mom why she said yes? Or was that pretty much completely in character for your mom?

A friend of mine adopted a sibling group out of the foster system. The mother had had the first one when she was 13, then the second when she was 15 and the third when she was 17. After repeatedly abandoning the kids in the care of a family member, she finally, when the eldest was 6, just left the three children

I appreciate all these people identifying themselves as idiots. It makes them a lot easier to avoid.

That seems to be the conservative line lately: if there's a chance that someone somewhere is getting benefits that they shouldn't or as a result of poor life choices, we should just scrap the whole system. I'm in total agreement with you.

$2,000 a month divided by 30 days divided by 15 people, leaves you with about $4.44 per person per day. That's not really much money. Certainly there are economies of scale, but it's not like she's getting rich off of that.

Yeah, I don't get what people are all up in arms about. There's the way things should be and then there's the way things are, and unfortunately they are frequently not the same thing. It would have been good if the fertility docs hadn't put so many embryos in her - that was irresponsible and borderline malpractice.

Thank you! I'm very excited. Mostly, I'm excited to not be pregnant any more, but meeting Falconbaby will probably be very magical as well. Kind of hoping that the full moon will do it this weekend!

That's just the way that pregnancies are usually counted. I'm 39 weeks pregnant today, but I've actually only been pregnant for about 37 weeks. Since you can't be totally sure when conception happened (everybody's cycle is different) but you can be sure when the first day of the last period was, the medical

54 inches. That's a typo... right?

I had pretty much the same experience, except that there weren't many foods that turned me off (fish was the only one — I tried to make haddock a couple of times, the world's least fishy smelling fish, and had to keep calling my husband into the kitchen to say, "Does this smell okay? Because to me it smells like I

Ina May Gaskin has a whole chapter about that bullshit in Ina May's Guide to Childbirth. It comes right around the same part that talks about how when male doctors elbowed midwives out of the way, things really went to shit.

Christ almighty, when did you give birth? That seriously sounds like some fucked up 1960's shit. My midwives told me that, assuming you start at a healthy weight (and they felt like my 145 pounds at 5'5" was a healthy weight), you should gain anywhere between 15 and 40 pounds. Mostly, they just stressed eating lots

Yes, it is hard, exhausting work and if I want that extra piece of cake, I will have it. Try and stop me, you risk getting your face ripped off, chimp attack style.

Pregnant me wishes that was the case, but most experts recommend only eating about an extra 300 calories to meet the baby's needs. I think that's got to be some kind of typo. Maybe it was supposed to be 200 calories and somebody fat fingered the 2?

Totally reasonable. There is nothing so distracting about having a dick shoved inside you against your will that you can't totally accurately observe and remember irrelevant details.

That is just so much awesome, I can't quite stand it.

Seriously, it's always helpful when idiots self-identify.

As a nine months pregnant person who has devoured the yogurt cup, bag of grapes, pasta salad, and two bottles of water before noon and is now digging into her emergency stash of saltines left over from the fom the first trimester, let me just say that Dr. Solomon can kiss my ass. I'm hungry, a small person keeps