
Your dad sounds like my aunt. She can go on for ages about how Obamacare is going to bankrupt her business. But when I talked to a friend of mine who owns a small business about the same size as my aunt's, he loves Obamacare already because it gave him a massive tax credit to help pay for his employees' health

Yeah, I hurried my dog along on our walk this morning because it was freezing and dark. In my defense, though, when it's raining my dog gets a couple drops of rain on his head and wants to turn around and go home, so it's not like he hasn't expressed an opinion every now and then. But I'm fairly certain that when he

Thanks, PETA. You made me sympathize with a group that advocates for KFC. That's how horrible you guys are. Go suck a bag of dicks.

For a second, I thought the parenthetical was an example of one of the comments and I thought, Comparing someone to Tennant-era Doctor is an insult? You and I live in different worlds, my friend. But now I see that we are in fact simpatico. And I will heed your warning and not read the comments.

There is a serious dearth of critical thinking in this country right now. Because I've seen waaaaay too many people buy the idea that "everyone is entitled to their own opinion" means "I get to be a dick to you because of my religion and there's nothing you can do or say about it." That shit should not pass even the

Santorum doesn't really want separation of Church and State. What he wants is a one way chute where Church can get into State, but none of State can crawl back up into Church. It's just hard to put that into a catchy slogan. Also, it makes people uneasy when you say it out loud.

I live in the US and I thought the same thing. Tiny isn't really the word I would use to describe a village of 8,000. Then again, I live in the same state as Dixville Notch, so my perceptions might be a little skewed.

I don't know about Bette Davis or Joan Crawford (and I'm too lazy to Wikipedia it), but weren't Halle Berry, Kate Winslet, and Hillary Swank married to men who were in some way involved in the entertainment industry? I would imagine that it's hard on a marriage when you're both involved in the same industry and one

I never even thought of what it would be like to give birth in a hospital if you're a doctor. I don't want to labor in my workplace; I don't blame you for not wanting to labor in yours. I feel incredibly lucky to live where I do, because I know not everyone has access to the flexible, woman-centric care I'm getting.

Oh, good. Now kids in Utah can just learn sex ed from movies, television and internet porn. Never forget, kids: women always have vaginal orgasms, men and women orgasm together, women like minimal foreplay, condoms are optional, and sex should always look really sexy. Because that's all you really need to know.

I kept my last name for a few reasons. I think the primary one is that my husband's last name is very similar to my last name, so when people said my first name with his last name, it sounded like they were making a mistake. Plus, it seemed like a huge hassle to get a new license, new credit cards, to change my name

My obstetric care has been through a blended practice with four obstetricians and eight midwives. Mostly, my care has been with midwives, which I think is why it does seem to be that they're billing my insurance company less than some friends' practices billed theirs (my 10% coinsurance came to $375 for the doctor

Well, that's a separate issue.

That's a pretty weak sauce statement from America's Health Insurance Plans. They're concerned about the "prescedent". Yes, they're concerned that at some point they'll be forced to add coverage for a preventive measure that actually costs more than treating the condition or disease. If they were actually upset

The average cost of a normal (non-c-section) pregnancy in the United States is around $13,000 from start to finish. Technically, insurance companies aren't allowed to take the cost of a pregnancy into account when they determine birth control and abortion coverage. But don't think they aren't aware of it. And

I'm a total dog person, but I could watch that gif all day.

It's for existing plans as well, as far as I can determine. Catholic run charities were given an extra year to come into compliance, which to me suggests that it applies to existing plans. Otherwise, they'd just not change their plan and continue to deny the ladies the pills.

He doesn't have an absolute right to say whatever he wants, and judges limit what people are allowed to say about others all the time, particularly in domestic disputes. It's not at all uncommon for a judge to bar parents in a custody dispute from saying anything negative about the other to the children. We're not

Hearted for the Downton Abbey reference.

If they have Facebook friends in common, then it is essentially a public page. If he had gone to a party where some of her friends were hanging out and he said something like this, he can't really complain that it's a violation of his privacy when it gets back to her. If he had said this to, say, his brother in the