
Oh my god, that is too much cute before I've had my coffee.

Awww, that is a good dude right there.

It's a correlation/causation thing. In the United States, couples who do not get married usually do not do so because they aren't sure about the relationship and they don't feel secure enough in their circumstances to make a "life long" commitment to someone else. Then we all pretend to be surprised when those same

In the US, it usually depends on the company you work for. The company I currently work for gives benefits to unmarried partners of employees provided both the employee and the partner sign a statement declaring that they are in an exclusive relationship that is sexual in nature and they share a common legal address.

Women also go on hormonal birth control to treat chronic migraines and to regulate idiopathically irregular periods. But women who take hormonal birth control primarily to treat medical issues still make up a minority of the women who take birth control. Liberals have put themselves on very weak terrain by choosing

The story about the friend with PCOS is terrible, but I feel like it's a bit of an outlier and outliers are bad foundations on which to build laws. Also, it would be a lot more powerful if you could have a woman testify about her own experience; it seems like weak sauce to have someone testify about the experiences

Well, the economy keeps (slowly) looking better, so they can't campaign on that. What else do they have? The gay thing is becoming pretty much a non starter. Oh, yeah, Old Faithful: ladies having sexy times.

I love the people who say that women have access to affordable birth control and refuse to be dissuaded, because it always comes back to the same thing.

As Dan Savage says, Australia got the criminals, Canada got the French, and America got the Puritans.

Yeah, if you're going to be critical, there are much more substantive things to go after here than the woman's weight. I saw one of the episodes with them in it — that woman scared the bejeezus out of me and it had exactly nothing to do with her size.

The daughter is actually adorable and sassy. The mother is really, really intense. Like screaming at people and threatening to beat up people who criticize her parenting choices (for instance, giving her daughter Red Bull because it makes her energetic on stage).

Okay, maybe just straight up vomit, then. I'm fairly certain that my late, great Emily the Cat was able to regurgitate at will and as punishment for those she felt had wronged her. Hopefully Coco has the same skill.

Hopefully the cat pooped in his slippers for a few weeks after that. And maybe left a few hairballs in his bed.

I don't imagine he gave the cat anesthesia for its comfort. I imagine that, if he hadn't, as soon as the tattoo gun started buzzing the cat would have been out of there. If by some miracle the cat didn't run at the first sound of the gun, the needle touching it would have been cause for the cat to introduce its

It sounds like she was warned a number of times and she didn't listen. Then she went and did something that sounds fairly serious (I would be pretty livid if someone used my card without permission, potentially screwing up my fairly rigorous budgeting). This was the consequence.

Memo to InTouch: A friend and I are due to give birth in the same week in April. We have the same doctor. I have this massive belly that sticks way out in front and pretty much has for the last couple of months. She has gotten a little thicker in the middle, but you might not realize she was pregnant just by

Please, let's not give them any ideas.

Yeah, I thought, Uh-oh, there's Rick Santorum's slippery slope. And then the phrase Rick Santorum's slippery slope made me giggle. Because I have the maturity of a twelve year old boy, apparently.

No, not mine, either, but they'd like to be. Fuckers.

because "it's such a better education" and "the influences are better."