
It's just stupid, mostly because it's actually an argument against marriage, gay or straight: "If a man can marry one woman, why can't he marry three, or five, or fifteen?" It's just a thing that is unpopular so Rick Santorum links it to gay marriage in an attempt to make you think that gay marriage will just lead to

Yes, but Jonathan and King David never got married, so it's totally cool in Santorum's book. Plus, David later married that nice Bathsheba lady, although I keep thinking there was some kind of complication in there somewhere...

My guess is that he's young. I likely would have said that marriage doesn't matter full stop when I was in my late teens. Then I grew up; then I met my husband. Things look a little different with a little life experience.

Yeah, my mom's going to be PISSED when I tell her that her marriage to my step-dad—a marriage they entered into after she had had a tubal ligation—isn't a real marriage. Actually, I'd prefer that Rick Santorum told her, because I don't want to be the one receiving the verbal asskicking she's bound to dish out.

In middle school, there was a girl who was pretty nasty to everyone else, and frequently accused other girls of being lesbians because they hugged another girl or stood too close to another girl, or talking about having a sleep-over with another girl. She was particularly brutal to a couple of girls who were

I don't know about a return to sanity. If they nominate Romney with a large portion of the party feeling like they're holding their nose because he's not "one of them" enough and he loses to Obama, they might decide that the problem is Romeny wasn't conservative enough. In which case, 2016 should be absolutely

The really stupid thing about this is that Huntsman is very conservative. His tax plan is to the right of a lot of the other Republican nominees and he endorsed Paul Ryan's plan. He may not have signed the personhood ammendment, but he has extremely conservative views on abortion nonetheless. The only thing he

Christian friends of mine used to say, "God always gives an answer. Sometimes it's a no, but it's always an answer." Even back when I was still a Christian, I remember thinking, But that's just another way of saying that time keeps moving forward and something either happens or it doesn't.

It's been a long time since I was in a hard core Old Testament theology class (although, I did take one really good one at the Christian college I went to... long story), so I can't remember the exact places, but there are a number of little verses buried in the Old Testament that suggest that originally the

How much you wanna bet these same parents thought it was terrible when that woman sent her kid over to tell Michelle Bachmann his lesbian mommy didn't need to be "fixed"?

Why is Congress pressuring the FDA to approve weight loss drugs? Is that seriously their answer to our obesity problems? If it is, we are fucked.

I watched this show for the first time last night. It was so much more terrifying and horrifying than the clips I'd seen on The Soup led me to believe.

I had this same conversation with a friend of mine a while ago. She has three little kids and, granted, all I've got is a fetus at the moment. But she was basically arguing that you can never ever let your kids out of your sight for a second or someone could snatch them. I argued that, yes, someone could snatch

Aaaaaaand hearted.

Yeah, I really get annoyed by Barbara. Janelle is a mess who can't seem to stay out of her own way and probably not fit to be a mother. So often, though, Barbara doesn't seem to be able to keep herself from saying everything that crosses her mind. There was one episode where Barbara took Janelle to court to get

AAAAAAAAAAAH! For the last goddamned time, women who seek an abortion know that they are pregnant. They know that if they continue being pregnant, the odds are good that they will have a baby. Because they know this, they are seeking an abortion. Making a woman listen to details about how developed the fetus is

I totally agree that Khloe seems like she'd be the most fun Kardashian to hang out with. But snarking about whether Robert Kardashian was actually her biological father seems kind of mean. Plus, it's essentially meaningless—lots of people are raised by people they are not biologically related to (way more than

I hate to admit this, but I just can't not like them. They seem like mature human beings (rare in entertainment it seems), a powerful couple who genuinely care about each other (rarer still). I wish them all the best, something I normally never do when it comes to celebrities.

That, or you'd have to be like Meredith and just absolutely eat that kind of shit up. She's lovely and funny and delightful, but doesn't always exhibit the world's best judgment.

When I first read the headline, I thought, Well, my mom's cousin Meredith met her husband when he pulled her over for speeding and then asked her out. But then I read the article and realized, Yeah, this is nothing like that. Asking a woman out when you have her pulled over and if she says no that's the end of it is