
There was a great article about the early days of Planned Parenthood in the New Yorker a month or so back (sadly paywalled) that mentioned that at the time that Margaret Sanger opened her first clinic, the women who came in were desperate to know the "rich woman's secret". The article pointed out that while the

Don't forget, "society" helped create marriage. Because "society" is different from men and women, right? It's like some third gender that's on the side of crushing monogamy and fun killing, yeah? I mean, otherwise, this thing doesn't really make any sense.

How does one pronounce Kalylah? KAL-ee-luh? kuh-LEE-luh? kuh-LYE-luh?

Forget the common sense voters: he's going to get slaughtered first by negative ad buys. And I've already noticed stories popping up about "Hey, remember how Rick Santorum was super corrupt?" and "Hey, remember when this other senator called him stone stupid?" We're going to be seeing a lot more of those. The only

There's a woman in my town who had an anencephalitic baby. The baby was delivered via ceasarian so that it would be delivered alive even though it would die shortly after death. It died about an hour after birth. This woman instists that because the baby lived for about an hour, that means that the doctors were

Wait, they think Oprah is racist? Why?

Hey, remember jobs? Remember when that was the thing we were going to tackle? Oh, right, that shit is hard. Nevermind.

It was a personal check from my husband's aunt, a gift for our anniversary. And I totally understand the reasons for the sticklerishness. It's just one of those rules that isn't enforced very regularly. So when you run up against someone who is bound and determined to stick to the absolute letter of the law

Banks can be really annoying about the way that checks are made out. I realize that they kind of have to be sometimes, but if you put an "and" on the check, a stickler teller can make your life really difficult. I once tried to deposit a check that was made out to me and my husband (I have my own last name and it

That was exactly my question. It seems like the point of these garments is to prevent men from being able to make out the contors of a woman's body. But then he's supposed to guess the size of those contors. Sense, this does not make any.

Hm, I upgraded to IE9 a few days ago and I'm still getting it. Probably my computer is just leotarded.

Fuck Daniel Craig — mostly because of that one picture of him in the ocean (yeah, you know the one).

The desire to hatefuck is a powerful thing.

Oh my god, there are sweet potato kettle chips? Excuse me, I need to make a run to the grocery store.

Extraordinary natural talent + hard driving parents + extreme discipline.

You're right, dude. It is worse having to hear about it. I mean, just think: if you got kicked in the nuts, it would be way worse for me when you told me about it later.

Thanks for clarifying!

Thanks for the clarification!

I was mostly just going by the woman in the above picture, but I'm fairly certain that most women wear the full deal in Saudi.

I would like to join your justice league as well. We'd better get cracking, though, because it looks like we've got an awful lot of work to do.