
How does a man guess the woman's size when she's wearing a burqa? How does anyone guess a woman's size when she's wearing a burqa? I thought that was the point of wearing the burqa.

Well, the noisy ones seem to, and until people who disagree start making some noise, they're going to get pained with the same brush.

Oh, totally. The problem is that the same people who think that abortion should be illegal often think that we should cut things like Medicaid and subsidized daycare and that if you're uninsured it's your own damn fault.

There is absolutely nothing "convenient" about getting an abortion, and depending on where you live it might be a downright slog.

I think it's safe to say that, regardless of whether these women terminated their pregnancies because they just didn't want to be pregnant or for some other reason, it's safe to say that they were in some pretty stressful circumstances. Nobody goes through 24 weeks of pregnancy (that's the earliest I've ever heard

The good thing about Infinite Jest is that there isn't much of a plot. You can pick it up and put it down and come back to it three months later without feeling like you've got to start over. Which is good because it's 900+ fairly dense pages (with another 100 pages of footnotes that, yes, you do have to read), so

Kinda like David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest, where people who start watching the titular movie immediately lose all interest in doing anything but watching the movie over and over again until they die. Except, probably fewer digressions into crazy games of tennis that require four tennis courts, a map of the

When I lived in Mexico, I went to a wedding where the couple had been legally married for 15 years and had four children, but had never had a church wedding. Apparently this is a thing. You get civilly married and see if the thing works out. If it does, great, go get married in a church and make the whole thing

If I remember correctly, that was C.S. Lewis's justification when he married a divorced woman. Because her husband had been married before, it didn't count so she was free to marry whomever she wanted.

I love how, for a price, the church will annul marriages for completely bullshit reasons. Even when the marriage has gone on for more than a decade and there are kids involved.

I don't know whether to be madder about the 1 year in prison (with most of it on work release) or the 10 days in jail and conviction vacated if he's a good boy. All I know is that I really want to SMASH something right now.

Half your age plus seven, people. It's a rule. Follow it.


I wish my parents hadn't focused on how my smarts so much. I mean, I am smart and there were a lot of things that came really easy to me in school. But that was part of what got me the praise; I heard a lot of, "I can't believe how well you did on that test! You didn't even study!" This becomes a problem because,

Unfortunately, we often get bogged down thinking that you're beautiful, you're smart, you're both, or you're neither, and that nothing else matters. But there are a whole host of other qualities that can be praised. Some people are neither beautiful nor smart, but they are exceedingly kind or exceedingly generous.

I had a friend whose husband sometimes got a boner when she was breastfeeding their son. She said she thought it was just sort of a confusing reaction to there being huge boobs just out there and at the same time it was beautiful that this was her feeding their son. Just thought I'd share. Men are weird.

I will admit that my WASPishness sometimes makes me a little uncomfortable when a woman starts to breastfeed in a very public place, and I of course avert my eyes (both because of my squeamishness and because not staring at someone's boobs is pretty much just good manners except in strip clubs). But any time I start

I am so, so sorry for your loss. I had a miscarriage a little over a year ago. Mine wasn't quite as far along as your daughter, but the emotional pain just completely blindsided me. For a couple of months afterward, I would find myself bursting into uncontrollable tears. Once, I came back from the grocery store,

When I was twenty-three, I had some sexy pictures taken for my then boyfriend (now husband). I hated them. I almost didn't give them to him. But I did and he loved them, even though at the time I thought he was just humoring me since I was obviously such a heifer. A year ago (at 29 years old) I found them while

In fairness, we don't know that she didn't attempt to get satisfaction through other means before filing the suit. I agree that, when something like this happens, you should go back to the company and try to come to some satisfactory arrangment before getting the courts involved. But she may have been given some