
Wait, where does it say he changed his mind about abortion in the case of life of the mother? All I see is that he decided that rape or incest are not good reasons to have abortions, but I don't see him going back on the life of the mother issue. (Not to defend Rick Perry - he is loathsome - I just think we need to

Word. When my husband got laid off, he started doing the shopping and for a couple of weeks I was coming home to find weird products that I would never in a million years buy. But once he had been doing it for a little while, he got really good at knowing where everything was, knowing what products were worth

Your mom is awesome.

Did they give it to you ironically?

Sometimes nice people have shitty kids. It happens.

How about Noelle?

He said in his first statement that he made less than he would have made if he sold it to another company for distribution. He said he felt it was a good decision not to sell it for his fans (the company would have sold it for something more like $20 a pop, they would have limited its release to the United States,

We got a dusting of snow last night. When I take my dogs out in a few minutes, my hound is going to act like this is the best thing that ever happened. Her joy at simple pleasures is something I probably ought to aspire to.

I don't mind him, but I don't love him, either. I think the writing has been stronger lately (unsurprising, since it's now Stephen Moffat running the show), but I miss David Tennant. Then again, Matt Smith and Karen Gillan have some great chemistry, and having a second companion along (Arthur Darville) has been fun.

They (or whoever produced it) had to buy the rights to the book, but they don't have to pay the person who lived the story. You can make a movie about anyone you want, with or without their permission. However, if you don't have their permission, you'd better make sure that you've got everything right, or you could

Is Adele really calling attention to her "svelte look"? I thought it was more like, "Can you make your hair do this? Yeah, no, I didn't think so."

I work for a newspaper in New Hampshire, so during campaign season there are politicians in and out of here all the time and you get a general sense of who they are. Mitt Romney is a dick - he wouldn't speak to our receptionist and made a beeline for the editorial room where he spent an hour or so just shooting the

At a company I worked for, we were forbidden by the terms of our contract from discussing our pay with anyone other than our immediate supervisor and the human resources department. In fact, you could be fired for it (I don't know if that would have been enforcable in court, but who wants to spend all that time and

Re #2: it starts early. My mother and I were discussing my only 6 months developed fetus, and my mother said, "Well, you know she's a genius, right?" "What makes you think that?" "Well, because, you can just tell about these things. This one's a genius." I'm still not sure how much she was kidding.

"Her doctors and her husband didn't tell her she had cervical cancer or what exactly she was being treated for, so it's most likely that like thousands of other people who received lobotomies, Perón didn't even consent to the procedure."

It's fairly common for something to go wrong on the first pregnancy that doesn't go wrong on subsequent ones. For instance, sometimes on the first birth, a woman's water will break, but labor will not begin shortly after that; the longer that situation lasts, the more dangerous it becomes. Also, a surprising number

I used to think that I wanted a home birth. Then I started thinking about the mess that I'd have to clean up afterward. You know what? I want someone else to clean up the mess. And I'd like a day or two of people bringing me meals. Falconbaby will be making her appearance in a hospital.

Obviously, she's a terrible person and deserves to get sepsis and die.

I can't imagine walking around with $90,000 worth of diamonds on my hand every day. I sometimes feel weird about walking around with the $1,000 worth of wedding and engagment ring I wear. I realize she's never without security, but still.

I figured it out because I found it odd that Santa had the same wrapping paper that Mom did, but Grandma had different wrapping paper. I was pretty pleased with myself for figuring that out and, no, it didn't make me think that my parents had lied to me about everything, either.