
Yeah, I've got to think that in a case like the one the article above is about (or the one that Savage once linked to where a pair of pitbulls were left alone with an infant and they tore of the baby's testicles (!) — I still have nightmares about that one), there had to have been warning signs. I mean, the owner

I am so sorry for the attack you suffered. That asshole abused an animal (encouraging a dog to be aggressive toward people is a form of animal abuse, since it keeps the dog in a heightened state of anxiety) and put the lives and wellbeing of his friends and neighbors at risk.

I'm really sorry that some jackass didn't bother to train their dog right and it left you afraid of dogs (my stepdad is afraid of dogs for the same reason—German Shepherd snarling and lunging at a fence as he walked home from school). That shouldn't happen. Irresponsible dog owners really get my hackles up.

When I was in kindergarten, there was a boy named Jacob Stein. I had no idea why, but for some reason it was really, really important to me that he noticed me. I didn't want him to kiss me and I didn't know what sex was (well, my mother and I had had a conversation about where babies come from, but for some reason

What I believe is the right course as regards to abortion and life is that I would like to see the Supreme Court return this right to the states and let states create their own legislation with regards to life. That's my view.

My reaction to that was, "Prove to me God exists, then we can talk."

On the city street. For, like, a really long time. My sister, a Chicagoan, was explaining it to me the other day and I was pretty sure my brain was going to melt. She then went on to tell me how she and her fiance were thinking about moving to Boston.

Well, Cyrus was at least a figure from history (Persian ruler). This kid's parents named him Syrus based on a Wikipedia entry (and no, the parents are neither Syrian nor Greek).

I feel bad for kids with "unique" spellings. A friend of mine named his son Syrus and I just thought, His whole life, that kid is going to be correcting people on the spelling of his name.

I feel bad for all the kids I meet named Aiden, because I just immediately hate them so much and it's totally not their fault.

You know, I'm pregnant and I've heard the heart beat a few times. Yes, it feels magical, but only because I'm really excited about having this baby and I spend a lot of time thinking about it; hearing the heart beat is just another point of contact. The thing is, though, it doesn't really sound like what you think

Someday, your children will thank you for this. All those times when you held your tongue even when he didn't, all those times when you closed your eyes and counted to ten instead of gunning the engine and running him over, all those times when you swallowed your pride and accepted the humiliation - your kids will

Why fake? I'll bag up the real thing and start mailing it along.

Thank you for that. That pretty much is exactly what I was thinking.

The issue is that if I show up at the hospital, pregnant and with severe hypertension such that the only way to save my life is to perform an abortion, the hospital can refuse to perform the abortion and refuse to refer me to another hospital that will perform an abortion. So, it's really two things that are annoying

Hey, they told you that you could leave. You can't really fault a four year old for thinking literally.

I've always wanted to ask this question: just what don't you think women are "fully informed" about that will be solved by an ultrasound and hearing the heartbeat. That it's going to become a child if allowed to continue developing? If you're there for an abortion, you know that already. Otherwise, it just seems

If "pro-lifers" have their way, the woman will have to pay for it. Making that $400 abortion now cost closer to $1000 and putting it out of reach for poor women. Of course, these same people will then complain about all these poor women having babies, because you just can't win with some people.

My husband (33) wears them sometimes, but only around the house. I will not allow those things to sully the world at large, just like the hideous brown boxer shorts I sometimes sleep in or the blue sweat pants that make it look like my hips are about eight miles wide. Mmmm, married life is grand.

At the time when this drug was given, we were in the age of "Better living through chemistry". There was widespread enthusiasm for drugs that might make life better, and many people approached it pretty unskeptically. If the doctor said, "There's a new drug I think you might benefit from," a lot of people just took