
I'm having the same problem. I've checked my settings a couple of times now to make sure that I didn't accidentally get switched. But nope, I'm set to expand replies and yet still only seeing the thread starters. Grr.

Thank you, that made me laugh out loud.

16 year olds are exhausting. They're loud, they're immature, they're generally annoying. Most people who have 16 year olds can't wait for them to move out of the house. This guy moved one in. What the fuck is wrong with him?

I think dick and bitch are pretty analagous, but most women I know consider cunt to be pretty much the worst thing that you could call a woman. Then again, tone and context matter.

From the article: "Donors on FSDR are a bawdier mix of high intentions and caveman dreams. One donor, whom Carissa, a 38-year-old divorcée in Fargo, N.D., was about to invite over for a "natural insemination" session, spooked her. "He wanted me to yell, ‘Make me pregnant!’?" during sex, she says."

I appreciate their pragmatism, but it seems like it would be more productive to try to solve the causes for marraiges dissolving, like extreme poverty, lack of employment, lack of education, poor social services, and substance abuse.

Do the Kardashians remind anyone else of a group of Jane Austen sisters? Except that there's no Elizabeth or Jane Bennett? Or Mr. Bennett? It's just Mary, Katherine, Lydia, and Mrs. Bennett? Anyone?

I would support that regulation.

Also, I seem to remember (from my visit to a farm museum with my niece's middle school class a few years ago) that farm women often didn't get to just hang out at the homestead. Frequently, especially during periods of heavy workload, women were expected to get out there and help keep the plow moving, etc. Farm

Are grammar rules different in Australia?

No, he's an idiot and he believes that if kids know about condoms, they're more likely to have sex. Because condoms cause sex, apparently. He's a cop in south Florida, if that makes things any clearer.

I heard one of my crazy tea-bagger (male) relatives say that out loud: "Well, if you're enough of a whore to want to get an abortion, then we probably don't need you around. Good riddance."

Kindled - thank you.

You won't get the hard core anti-vaxxers, but there are a lot of people in the middle who don't really pay a lot of attention and just hear "Vaccines cause autism" and get scared. A little bit of targeted education can go a long way.

I wouldn't put it past him, but I don't know. They were drinking a lot in those days and she said she didn't think that they had been using condoms very reliably. After she finally ended it, he stalked her for a while (phone calls ever 15 minutes in the middle of the night, showing up unannounced at her house at

By age 40, more than 99% of people have had sex, therefore making them "sexually active". So, your qualifier of "sexual active" is redundant, since roughly all of adult males are or have been sexually active.

The measles used to kill one out of every 150 kids? Even if that's only one out of every 150 kids who happened to contract it, that's still a massive number. Maybe that's what we need to counteract the anti-vaccine nonsense: some kind of public education program so that people understand what it was like before

Wait, so, did someone ask him this question or did he just volunteer it? Either way, it's weird, I'm just wondering how weird.


I had the same reaction. Hopefully, it will just be one of those episodes that all the fans pretend didn't happen and we all move happily along.