Hopefully, the next time I see your nasty self will be in pergatory as I will watch God read you the riot act for being such a nasty whench!
Hopefully, the next time I see your nasty self will be in pergatory as I will watch God read you the riot act for being such a nasty whench!
My sister got pregnant by a boyfriend she was breaking up with. He tried so hard to get her to keep it and I remember being furious with him for the manipulative bullshit he was pulling ("Good people don't get abortions." "You'd really kill your own child? I thought you were better than that." "Why don't you…
My black lab, Sam, was found by a lake in Alabama when he was about six months old. He was skinny and had obviously been on his own for a few weeks. He also had a serious injury to his eye (he was lucky to keep the eye, although he's blind on that side). He was also neutered and the vet that works for the group…
You are awesome and I'm sure that your patients didn't mind having their Sunday mornings disturbed for something that important.
Her mother brings it up and she pretty much calls her mother a horrible person for even suggesting it.
Her mom brings it up and she basically calls her mother a horrible person for even suggesting it.
A key to give to your husband? Creeeeeepy.
I (like everyone else, it seems) found Knocked Up totally unconvincing with the way it handled Katherine Heigl's character's pregnancy (I mean, seriously, a woman who has just gotten a career making promotion gets knocked up by some loser she has only just met and she doesn't even consider abortion? Please). But the…
In the upper middle class area where I live, there are tons of kids who don't get vaccinated because their parents are worried about health problems. We recently had a pertussis outbreak and an infant died. I kind of wonder how secure those parents are in their decision now.
So, basically, it's the standard "We're sorry if you were offended" non-apology. That was an awful lot of words to say that.
We love each other and we love the journey we're taking together and that's not a cliche.
I'm not a rave kinda gal, but glow in the dark people would make raves cooler.
No, I know. And I feel for you guys. I appreciate you fighting the good fight. Just remember: there's always a place for you here in the frigid Northeast if it gets to be to much.
That's called "Abstinence plus". I don't really have a problem with it. "Abstinence only" education only talks about condoms, the pill, etc. to stress how unreliable they are (usually with made up numbers).
You know what? I'm done being polite. This is just fucking stupid. No more benefit of the doubt, Mississippi (and you, Kansas, Georga, Florida, et. al, you're on your final notice). I'm pretty sure that you people running the state are just dumb. Plain old dumb. So, when my godless, liberal, northern friends…
My doctor said that it was because they just never tested it on women older than 26. I have no idea if that's true, but that's what she said when I asked.
Yeah, that's about two months of my mortgage. Of cake. In the trash. ::headdesk::
Yeah, that was pretty underwhelming. It always seemed more dramatic on Buffy.
In high school, I had this friend who was constantly manufacturing drama—fake fainting spells, oblique rape/assualt accusations, family members suddenly being diagnosed with cancer and then suddenly being cured. It was exhausting.
I prefer the Buffy vampires that turn into a cloud of dust before blowing away.