$20,000. On a cake. The mind boggles.
$20,000. On a cake. The mind boggles.
Exactly right. Also, praise them like they just did a magic trick when they do their business outside where you want them to.
Rick Perry has no use for your logic.
Of course he does.
I'm pretty sure I'll have enough to be guilty about later on - stuff that will be verifiably my fault. So, I'm choosing not to worry about the beers I had when I didn't know I was pregnant, or the roast beef sandwich I had when I forgot that I wasn't supposed to have lunch meat, or the time I got confused about…
I had some alcohol before I was pregnant. My doctor said not to worry about it because in the first couple of weeks it's really just cells dividing, so they don't worry about the effects of alcohol. It's when the organs start developing and specializing that it becomes important not to drink alcohol.
Hey, Pastor Douchebag, it depends on what part of the Old Testament we're reading from here. Either you stone her and him, or you give him the opportunity to pay her parents and then marry her. At least get your assholery right, will you?
Also, her legs. The right one appears to be several inches longer than the left.
I've known a few girls who got married before age 18. Every single one of them was firmly in camp #2. There was abuse and neglect and plenty of situations where the girl wasn't getting along with her parents (particularly her mother, at least in the girls I've known). Marriage was just a way to escape. In other…
It freaks the fuck out of men, so they don't like it. I'm with Tina Fey on this one - go ahead and cry. They won't know what to do.
Indeed, the curious might wonder whether sleep-deprived women facing the challenges of postpartum life are buying lingerie in hopes of actually spurring desire.
Kudos to you for having the restraint not to punch him in his stupid face.
Correlation and causation are hard.
I've heard that there has been an increase in unintended pregnancies in women over 35, mainly because they've heard so many times that getting pregnant would be almost impossible so they stop being vigilant about birth control. Just can't win, it sometimes seems.
That was a real mindfuck when a twenty-eight year old friend of mine was going through infertility treatment and she mentioned that a doctor said to her, "Well, normally we wouldn't do this test right off the bat, but because of your advanced maternal age, it seems prudent to get started as early as possible." …
Ugh, don't buy that. That's horrible.
I can only think that this is going to make Jackie's life easier as she grows up. I'm sure it will never be truly effortless, but having to transition when you're a teenager or an adult means dealing with lots of awkward conversations about gender and sexuality with people who have fixed ideas about who you are and…
Anything can happen, but he's a little too on-the-record saying very negative things about Social Security and Medicare (in fact, he wrote book). Old people vote; old peple are conservative, yes, but they are also very concerned about themselves and their benefits. If Democrats can remember to hit those points and…
I watched this show ages about about pregnancy and there was a woman who got Lysteriosis while pregnant with a very, very wanted baby. She described being in a lot of pain and starting to bleed vaginally, and rushing to the hospital where the doctors told her there was nothing that could be done to save the baby. …
It drives me nuts that the ACLU is seen as some sort of quasi-terroris, super-liberal, un-American group. They exist as a check on government and organizational power. They exist to push back, proving that the United States is strong enough to deal with internal conflict. I may not always agree with the ACLU's…